...and not for any excusable biological reasons either. Just because. Yeah, I am quite pissed about it.
Today, I began yet another semester of school. I wish I could say it went off without a hitch, but it went off with a hitch. The original teacher that was slated for my economics class was bumped for another. Normally, I wouldn't care. This was the exception. The new teacher uses a completely different text than what the rest of the department uses. So now I have to go to the bookstore and exchange the book I bought for the new book. On the plus side, the new book costs about $80 less than the other. All I lose is time, which is in short supply for me.
This past weekend was great. I got to help Mike move into his new place. Along with a few other helpers, things moved
along quickly before the high temperature of 112 degrees manifested itself. When we were done, it was a mild 109. We really dodged a bullet on that one. I also learned something: women
can in fact be useful in such endeavors. Usually, the ladies cop out on the actual labor and depending on what part of the move is taking place they either make sure the men are hydrated (because we are incapable of doing that ourselves), or unpacking as the truck's contents make their way into the new home.
Steph's friend Wendy was the exception to the very strict rule I have thus far been exposed to. Not only was she willing, but she was capable. So much so that I found myself on the opposite end of many a two-person haul with her. She kept pace with the best of us. So even though she probably won't read this, I still offer my kudos to her.
I would also like to point out that
Steph was the only other female there, and since she is pregnant, she was limited. She did go above and beyond what she probably should have. At times to the point where it scared me.
We settled into a rousing game of Settlers of
Catan to cool down. That game
freakin' rules. I didn't win, but there was a while where I was ahead. So significant was my lead that everyone focused on me (at Mike's command) basically leaving my chances of winning up to the dice roll. Mike's clever manipulation of the other players secured his win. That is how you play the game. Good times.
Later in the evening on Saturday I met Jeremy here at the homestead where we did pizza with the kids and that female I share a bed with, watched some preseason football, and topped the night off with some shooting down at the range.
That was the extent of my weekend. Nothing else of
consequence to report. Actually, I did recieve my second (and last) black stripe on my belt tonight in class. Next month, I should be testing for my next belt level. Then I will be eligible for the Black Belt/Masters club, and I plan enroll in the latter.