Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yeah...I LARP

I like to think that I am above those who role play. Especially those who LARP (live action role play). I am an elitist prick. I have made peace with that a long time ago. So imagine the gut shot I took the other day when while having a conversation about LARP geeks, Michael (Stinson) pointed out that what we do in training is basically LARPing. I didn't want to believe it right at first. But then I thought about it. The attacker in any given technique we do does some trash talk, the defender tries to calm the situation which usually escalates, then the maneuver is performed. This is every time. We condition to react in stressful situations as best we can. This is why this stuff is so great. It is unlike any Ninjutsu school I have ever been to - even though the style has evolved almost completely independently. One day, I will blog about it and also blog about the real origins of Ninjutsu.

So How about an anthem to roll into the weekend with? I haven't put any Ozzy up yet, so I will pull the first track of his best album, "No More Tears". The song is called "Mr. Tinkertrain".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


1. Pathfinder sucked something awful. It isn't even worth renting. The previews did it entirely too much justice.

2. Losing your cell phone sucks.

3. Getting a new cell phone for cheap rules. Especially when they are the really good kind.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a weekend!

This weekend has been great. The last post discusses my Friday evening activities, so I will not reiterate it here. Saturday involved training as per usual with Jayden and then some very minor preparations for the then forthcoming TV spot.

Afterwards, I went to the range to take a look at what I thought was going to be massive storm damage. Turns out, it was quite minor by comparison. But since I was there, I jumped on the roof to patch up the leak (I hope I got it) and replace the ceiling tiles that were affected by the water. While I was on the roof, I had Jayden wait for me in my work area. I suited him up with an Oatmeal Cream Pie and a video game magazine and left him to his business. It turns out he did not listen to me and had no idea where I went. When I came down, I was shocked (and worried) that he was not where I left him. I made my way out to the sales floor, and then to Vince's (weekend manager/payroll) office to find him hysterical. He thought I abandoned him. I felt like crap, but I had to remind myself that Mr Jayden needs to learn to listen a little more---although it was a heartbreaking sight. Vince had made attempts to calm Jayden down. He gave Jayden a bottle of Dasani water and a piece of chocolate cake that I am sure Vince was planning to eat as a part of his lunch.

I came to the conclusion that Vince would certainly make a good father. Whether he knew it or not, his paternal instincts ran strong that day. He would definitely make an awesome uncle/older brother.

I have to hand it to Vince on this one. He really went above and beyond the call of duty. I did make sure to sincerely thank him for his service. I did however find his laudable actions worthy of public note.

In the evening, we treated ourselves to Outback Steakhouse. Kristin and I had steak. Nothing makes me hotter than to see my wife eating beef. It is a rare treat. The kids behaved themselves quite well, so good times.

This morning, I woke up at 530 in the AM to get ready for a spot on Channel 15. As it turned out, the only people necessary to the event were Michael Stinson (head instructor), Nate Smith (one of the black belt instructors), and Lucia Williams (11 year old student in the target age range for the Chandler rapist). The rest of us (there were 5) provided some background, but we were really uncertain as to how we should conduct ourselves. The producer never gave us any information. I will be watching the video of it next time I make my way over to Mike's - possibly this upcoming Friday - to see if this lack of information became evident. Otherwise, Michael conducted himself well, and things went off without a hitch.

Michael invited us to breakfast after our segment was done. We hit Denny's and just carried on about martial arts and miscellany for the better part of 2 hours.

Tonight, we went to my mother in law's to celebrate her birthday. Kristin made the cake. As my two Mike friends know, she is unparalleled at the baking arts. Needless to say, her white chocolate/strawberry cake was unreal.

Now I look ahead to this week and to what whacky adventures await me...

Friday, August 24, 2007

In the company of geeks

Tonight I attended a graduation at the Quest Center to cheer on some of my peers as they advanced to the next level in their training. Evidently, there is always a buffet of food for an after graduation celebration. So a bunch of us sat, at, and talked about things outside of martial arts.

As it turns out most of the students I see regularly are into various gaming. I even found me some more Magic players to compete with. We got to talking about getting a game night together one of these Fridays. We would have several games going on at a time, and they would certainly vary, but I can guarantee some Magic will be thrown down. Now I am thinking about purchasing Settlers of Catan.

Anyway, this revelation helped me to understand more of why I feel I am going to see extended family everytime I step foot in the dojo.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Good Publicity

Tonight the local ABC affiliate dropped by the Quest Center to do a small feature on the Chandler rapist (or really, the efforts the school is taking to combat this guy). The rapist has a tendency to attack girls between 10 and 14. I would say he is quite a sick bastard.

Anyway, between Jayden's class and my class they finally showed up, so they had us just start doing stuff - giving the impression that an actual class was taking place.

The CBS affiliate were there last night, and they initially asked me to speak to them, but after qualifying the reporter, I realized they needed someone who has a daughter, not a son, enrolled. The video link for last night's interview:

I have been asked to show up to Channel 15's (ABC) studio Sunday morning to do a demo for their show. There will probably be ten of us altogether (tops) due to the 6:45 am appearance time. We go on at 7 am. I hate getting up this early. This is testament to how much I believe in the school, the instructors, and the style.

Moving on...

Do you remember when Metallica was cool? I mean, at their prime cool? I do. They are a bunch of whiny piss ants now, but I would like to pay tribute to them before they lost their hair and balls. This week's anthem is a live rendition of the best song they ever wrote (the arrangement is phenomenal). Here is the title track to their 1989 album, "...And Justice For All".

Monday, August 20, 2007

The dry spell continues...

...and not for any excusable biological reasons either. Just because. Yeah, I am quite pissed about it.

Today, I began yet another semester of school. I wish I could say it went off without a hitch, but it went off with a hitch. The original teacher that was slated for my economics class was bumped for another. Normally, I wouldn't care. This was the exception. The new teacher uses a completely different text than what the rest of the department uses. So now I have to go to the bookstore and exchange the book I bought for the new book. On the plus side, the new book costs about $80 less than the other. All I lose is time, which is in short supply for me.

This past weekend was great. I got to help Mike move into his new place. Along with a few other helpers, things moved along quickly before the high temperature of 112 degrees manifested itself. When we were done, it was a mild 109. We really dodged a bullet on that one. I also learned something: women can in fact be useful in such endeavors. Usually, the ladies cop out on the actual labor and depending on what part of the move is taking place they either make sure the men are hydrated (because we are incapable of doing that ourselves), or unpacking as the truck's contents make their way into the new home. Steph's friend Wendy was the exception to the very strict rule I have thus far been exposed to. Not only was she willing, but she was capable. So much so that I found myself on the opposite end of many a two-person haul with her. She kept pace with the best of us. So even though she probably won't read this, I still offer my kudos to her.

I would also like to point out that Steph was the only other female there, and since she is pregnant, she was limited. She did go above and beyond what she probably should have. At times to the point where it scared me.

We settled into a rousing game of Settlers of Catan to cool down. That game freakin' rules. I didn't win, but there was a while where I was ahead. So significant was my lead that everyone focused on me (at Mike's command) basically leaving my chances of winning up to the dice roll. Mike's clever manipulation of the other players secured his win. That is how you play the game. Good times.

Later in the evening on Saturday I met Jeremy here at the homestead where we did pizza with the kids and that female I share a bed with, watched some preseason football, and topped the night off with some shooting down at the range.

That was the extent of my weekend. Nothing else of consequence to report. Actually, I did recieve my second (and last) black stripe on my belt tonight in class. Next month, I should be testing for my next belt level. Then I will be eligible for the Black Belt/Masters club, and I plan enroll in the latter.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Not a supergroup, I promise

It is anthem time again. This week's choice kind of snuck up on me. When I was on my way into training last night, the tattoo shop a couple doors down caught my eye. All of a sudden, this week's song started playing in my head, and I have yet to rid my brain of it.

This song sounds like Def Leppard fired Joe Elliot and brought Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden to sing in his stead (in fact, it opens with the same chord progression from "Photogragh" - a song that was chosen some weeks ago). I assure you all, not a single member of Def Leppard was a part of this tune.

Anyhoo, Bruce Dickinson did record a few solo albums in the late 80's and 90's. This song was released in 1990 and is probably his most famous solo tune. Do enjoy this week's anthem, "Tattooed Millionaire".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quite an honor

Today sucked. Holy crap, did it suck. Last night's storm resulted in over ten hours of work, all of it hard labor (mostly heavy lifting). I also made four, count 'em four trips to the roof. Oh, and the temperature was about 110 degrees. Yeah, it sucked hard. I do realize that my right to complain is limited in that I know this is all a part of my job. Somedays are harder than others. So I spend little time sulking about it. In fact, only in reflection have I come to realize today's suck factor.

I have officially hit the end of my free month of training at the Quest Center (linked at right). Now I need to start paying. I met with the head instructor tonight to discuss payment options and the like when he told me he had wanted to extend an invitation to my choice of either the Black Belt Club, or the Masters Club. This invitation would normally be at best 90 days premature, but since I have had Ninjutsu experience, he thought it might be prudent to give me said. But before I could decline (respectfully), he informed me that his wife/business partner talked him out of it. She had the same reasoning I was prepared to impart. It was thus: though my experience is evident a lot of the time and I am certainly capable of weilding the weapons that the various clubs entitle me to use, it simply would not be fair. They follow a strict policy of allowing such memberships as soon as the yellow belt (the one right after white) is attained. I definitely feel it can only serve to lower morale should one student get preferential treatment over the others. However, I recognize the honor he has shown me through extending such a gracious offer and for that, I am greatly appreciative.

Promoting one earlier than would be normal is more excusable than admittance into the elite clubs before one's time. To that end, though I am not expecting it, I would not be surprised if I were to be invited to participate in this month's graduation. Like I have mentioned, I do have experience, plus I go four to five times per week. Most attend two to three. At any rate, this way I could legitimately join the aforementioned clubs. As far as I am concerned, I am in no rush. Things will happen when they are supposed to. Life has treated me exceptionally well, and because of this, I let it take me where and when it will.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'll take it

So I got a legal notice in the mail today stating that my most recent mortgage company (from the refinance on the home I once owned) was not fair in their dealings. As a result, I and many others affected by whatever the problem was will be recieving about $250 (at least) in the mail soon. I like money.

That is all the new news to report.

It is the weekend now, so it is that time again for me to bless thine ears with a rock anthem. This week will be from a band that probably has more rock anthems in their portfolio than any other band in history - somewhere around three per album. No band ever does that. The savvy may have already guessed, that band is Kiss. The song I am choosing is dedicated to all of you people out there with a functioning ear in the middle of your forehead. I give you "I Love it Loud".

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Callin' it as it is

Emo is ghey butt rammin' rock. The gheyest ever created. Below is a video to a song (thanks, Mike) that calls emo for what it is.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


I want to invest some money in something. I want to start getting something together for my inevitable retirement. Any ideas?

Friday, August 03, 2007

Allow me to lay the cheese on nice and thick

This week's anthem is a tune that beats all. This song truly defines what a rock anthem is. The video, however, is groin-grabbingly cheesy. Oh, and the singer, Ronnie James Dio, is a short, balding, ugly little man that looks a little like Clint Howard. But in all his physical shortcomings lies one of (if not the) greatest voice to ever grace heavy metal. I am proud to declare this week's anthem: "Holy Diver" by Dio.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mother fricking rain >:-(

After tonight's monsoon, I am predicting yet another sticky day at work tomorrow. The last one left me replacing ceiling tiles and cleaning debris for about 6 hours. Though this storm wasn't nearly as violent as the one two days ago, the leaks in the roof still have not been repaired. This means about $60 worth of tiles will be going up, many of which are odd cuts. The rood neds a complete overhaul and re-foam. That will cost the range over $30,000. That being said, the price of further water damage to the rafters and other such structural necessities could be far more pricey. Needless to say, we are contracting some roofers at their earliest convenience.

Things could be worse I suppose --- I could have been driving in Minneapolis this afternoon. Rough stuff over there. If you don't know what I am talking about, look it up.