Sunday, October 11, 2009

They think we're stoopid

Who are "they"? They are the people who think they can feed us anything and we'll buy it. The following are three groups or individuals that are the most recent offenders:

1. Columbia pictures and the staff of the forthcoming movie, 2012

Today while I was watching football, a trailer for the upcoming film 2012 was aired. The movie looks like it is chock full of good special effects, and that will be its draw. The preview had lots of printed phrases and that irritating "heartbeat" sound that brings those phrases in to drive home that those words are important. You know the kind of crap I'm talking about. Anyway, one of the phrases said, *thunpthump* "The Mayans told us" *thumpthump* "But we didn't listen".

Just in case you were wondering, *thumpthump* was that heartbeat sound I was talking about.

The next scene is the earth falling to pieces. Here is where they think you are stupid. They want you to think, "Crikey! The signs were there! We should have listened to the Mayans! We are soooo stupid! We had better prepare!"

I hate to poke holes in your logic, Columbia Pictures, but what difference would heeding a warning make if the earth is going to more or less collapse on itself? I am no guru of plate tectonics but near as I can tell, if the earth collapses, we're screwed and there is no amount of preparation that can save us. Then again, there are those that will watch this movie and scream at the characters for not making the kind of decisions that will mitigate the amount of natural disasters befalling the planet.

2. The people who decide who receives the Nobel Peace Prize

I want to start by stating this isn't a slight against our president. He was given an award and he accepted it gracefully. To his credit, he did not keep the unearned prize money and gave it away. It is clear that even he could see this was a pre-mature and undeserved award.

The award was pre-mature simply because other than helping make our bad recession worse, the man simply hasn't done anything yet. All he has done was say that he wants a peaceful end to our wars. So did Bush. Obama is also thinking about stepping up the boots on the ground n Afghanistan while scaling back in Iraq. So was Bush. Stepping up an offensive hardly seems like the "peaceful" thing to do.* For all you idiots that think there is real difference between this administration and the last, the award's for you. Enjoy it in all its irrelevance.

3. Then, there is this jack hole:

Michael Moore is the worst offender of this triad of human underestimation. His latest flick, "Capitalism: a Love Story" is all about how capitalism is the greatest threat to America and Humanity in general. The week of this movie's release, Moore and Keith Olberman were chatting on the latter's editorial on MSNBC going on and on about the evil that is American Capitalism. Michael Moore was also heard to say that capitalism has done nothing for him.

Holy irony, Batman! I know I am not tho only person who caught onto these small tidbits:

  • Michael Moore is a millionaire. Why? Because of marketing and merchandising by entities (such as Disney) that are in business to turn a profit. How do they do this? CAPITALISM. A small group of idiots buy into his crap using money they get paid from corporations. That money goes to the corporations sponsoring his farce of a movie. These corporations in turn break him off for his efforts. Capitalism never did anything for you? The fact that you can support your Twinkie habit is a result of capitalism.
  • Keith Olberman's interview was conducted in a posh NBC studio. That company makes money from selling advertisements from other companies. Those companies continue to purchase advertising time if their products sell. That advertising revenue goes into the nice facilities used and also into the pocket of Keith Olberman. Not to mention the fact that the interview probably generated more business for the latest movie by our nation's "village idiot".

Unfortunately, there actually are morons out there that believe anything this douche canoe says. The fortunate thing about those people is that they are few in number and are probably viewed as their village's idiot.

So for all you stupid people susceptible enough to believe (or believe in) any of the aforementioned, I present to you our anthem of the next while until I post again: Alice Cooper's "Hey Stoopid".


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