Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quite an honor

Today sucked. Holy crap, did it suck. Last night's storm resulted in over ten hours of work, all of it hard labor (mostly heavy lifting). I also made four, count 'em four trips to the roof. Oh, and the temperature was about 110 degrees. Yeah, it sucked hard. I do realize that my right to complain is limited in that I know this is all a part of my job. Somedays are harder than others. So I spend little time sulking about it. In fact, only in reflection have I come to realize today's suck factor.

I have officially hit the end of my free month of training at the Quest Center (linked at right). Now I need to start paying. I met with the head instructor tonight to discuss payment options and the like when he told me he had wanted to extend an invitation to my choice of either the Black Belt Club, or the Masters Club. This invitation would normally be at best 90 days premature, but since I have had Ninjutsu experience, he thought it might be prudent to give me said. But before I could decline (respectfully), he informed me that his wife/business partner talked him out of it. She had the same reasoning I was prepared to impart. It was thus: though my experience is evident a lot of the time and I am certainly capable of weilding the weapons that the various clubs entitle me to use, it simply would not be fair. They follow a strict policy of allowing such memberships as soon as the yellow belt (the one right after white) is attained. I definitely feel it can only serve to lower morale should one student get preferential treatment over the others. However, I recognize the honor he has shown me through extending such a gracious offer and for that, I am greatly appreciative.

Promoting one earlier than would be normal is more excusable than admittance into the elite clubs before one's time. To that end, though I am not expecting it, I would not be surprised if I were to be invited to participate in this month's graduation. Like I have mentioned, I do have experience, plus I go four to five times per week. Most attend two to three. At any rate, this way I could legitimately join the aforementioned clubs. As far as I am concerned, I am in no rush. Things will happen when they are supposed to. Life has treated me exceptionally well, and because of this, I let it take me where and when it will.


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