Sunday, August 05, 2007


I want to invest some money in something. I want to start getting something together for my inevitable retirement. Any ideas?


Blogger Mike said...

Become debt-free. There is no better investment, because anything you invest is very unlikely to accrue interest as fast as your own debt takes it away.

If you're looking for a biz on the side, and it makes sense that you would, well, there's always eBay. You need to become an expert at some niche of the market and then deal in it.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Debt-free is definitely on my agenda. I don't have enough to completely rid myself of it as yet though.

I was considering a roth IRA or something along those lines. I can definitely afford that.

Buying a house was an idea, but my income level isn't high enough to really get into a house - even with the down payment I would be prepared to drop.

Then there is the business idea. I am always trying to come up with something, but my ideas usually cost entirely too much to get going, though I know if I could manage to get them going I would be set for life.

As for ebay...I am certainly interested in that. I really know only three things to a science: antiquity replications, martial arts supplies, and travel. I will have to investigate that. Particularly the latter...

3:42 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

eBay is my dominatrix. How I hate her, how I love her. She gives me exquisite pain and exquisite pleasure. For some reason I'm grooming Stephanie to take over in her merciless grasp.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

eBay can get addicting. There was a while where Kristin and I were selling quite a bit. I am about to put a 160 GB SATA hard drive on it for about $70. They usually go for about $85.

I really need to figure out a niche to get into.

3:46 PM  

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