Friday, June 05, 2009

Return of the muse

Some of you know I had to stop my martial arts training for a while. The ETA of my return is unknown. Basically, it depends on finances. If I get a higher paying job, then I go back. Luckily, I have been given time to look. My friends at the dojo were kind enough to let me freeze my account with them for three months so that I can return with the same terms as my original agreement. My hope is that this will be worked out before then.

Having no release from the day to day grind, I looked into less expensive means of therapy. So, on a whim I pulled up my dear old friend, As usual, there were no shortages of musical projects looking for bass players. And as usual, most of the bands were in Phoenix or the west valley. One ad caught my attention. There was a band practicing out of a storage shed in Mesa who are in their thirties. I responded to them and went to jam with them on Monday. The chemistry was instant, and their music is challenging. I have practiced with them again since and have plans to practice tomorrow morning as well. At the rate I am learning the material, we may be performance ready in six weeks.

Another thing that this group has that none of the other bands I have worked with had was the willingness to agree on covers. Already we have an Iron Maiden cover close to ready and we have some other treats planned. I have had to pull teeth to get any band to agree on a cover to do (if we did them at all), so it is refreshing knowing that I do not to have to deal petty arguments. Additionally (bear in mind, the originals these guys have can sustain at least an entire setlist if not more), we are planning to have a catalogue of covers that we can cycle through to change the set up from performance to performance. Very exciting.

Thw most important element to me is the musical relationship with the drummer. He and I are spot on together. This is always my biggest worry. Oh, and don't suppose I wasn't ecstatic when I found out this group actually has a drummer. They are a rare breed around these parts.

Anyway, expect more news as it develops. Our goal is to go out, play, and have a good time. Priorities are family, work, then band (although I insert school between work and band). These guys are like-minded, share the same musical interests, are ego-free, and sober.

The band's name is Flapperwax.

Speaking of music, I heard a song the other day that was truly inspired. Seether did a cover of Wham's "Careless Whisper". This is yet another song that I have actually petitioned other projects I have been a part of to cover. They all said "no, it would be ghey". Well, they said the same thing when I would try to get them to do "Land of Confusion" and Disturbed made an amazing version. Good thing Flapperwax is of the mind to entertain remakes. I have some ideas that if we can arrange them, will stun our audience.

I digress.

I would like to point out that I am not a Seether fan. In fact, I don't like anything of theirs I have heard. However, this song is brilliant. Yet another testament to the fact that the 80's was the best decade for music. Here is a youtube video I pulled up for the song. Sorry, Seether is in this photo montage, but it beats Twilight:


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