Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a weekend!

This weekend has been great. The last post discusses my Friday evening activities, so I will not reiterate it here. Saturday involved training as per usual with Jayden and then some very minor preparations for the then forthcoming TV spot.

Afterwards, I went to the range to take a look at what I thought was going to be massive storm damage. Turns out, it was quite minor by comparison. But since I was there, I jumped on the roof to patch up the leak (I hope I got it) and replace the ceiling tiles that were affected by the water. While I was on the roof, I had Jayden wait for me in my work area. I suited him up with an Oatmeal Cream Pie and a video game magazine and left him to his business. It turns out he did not listen to me and had no idea where I went. When I came down, I was shocked (and worried) that he was not where I left him. I made my way out to the sales floor, and then to Vince's (weekend manager/payroll) office to find him hysterical. He thought I abandoned him. I felt like crap, but I had to remind myself that Mr Jayden needs to learn to listen a little more---although it was a heartbreaking sight. Vince had made attempts to calm Jayden down. He gave Jayden a bottle of Dasani water and a piece of chocolate cake that I am sure Vince was planning to eat as a part of his lunch.

I came to the conclusion that Vince would certainly make a good father. Whether he knew it or not, his paternal instincts ran strong that day. He would definitely make an awesome uncle/older brother.

I have to hand it to Vince on this one. He really went above and beyond the call of duty. I did make sure to sincerely thank him for his service. I did however find his laudable actions worthy of public note.

In the evening, we treated ourselves to Outback Steakhouse. Kristin and I had steak. Nothing makes me hotter than to see my wife eating beef. It is a rare treat. The kids behaved themselves quite well, so good times.

This morning, I woke up at 530 in the AM to get ready for a spot on Channel 15. As it turned out, the only people necessary to the event were Michael Stinson (head instructor), Nate Smith (one of the black belt instructors), and Lucia Williams (11 year old student in the target age range for the Chandler rapist). The rest of us (there were 5) provided some background, but we were really uncertain as to how we should conduct ourselves. The producer never gave us any information. I will be watching the video of it next time I make my way over to Mike's - possibly this upcoming Friday - to see if this lack of information became evident. Otherwise, Michael conducted himself well, and things went off without a hitch.

Michael invited us to breakfast after our segment was done. We hit Denny's and just carried on about martial arts and miscellany for the better part of 2 hours.

Tonight, we went to my mother in law's to celebrate her birthday. Kristin made the cake. As my two Mike friends know, she is unparalleled at the baking arts. Needless to say, her white chocolate/strawberry cake was unreal.

Now I look ahead to this week and to what whacky adventures await me...


Blogger Steph! said...

I don't know if Mike ever told you, but you left your knife at our place when you helped us move.

11:46 AM  

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