Sunday, December 30, 2007

Is it 2008 already?

Now that 2007 is about over, I can't help but reflect back on the year. In many ways, this has been one of the better years for me:

1. After yet another change in major, I am now done with the community college system. I have taken all I can (to stay full time anyway) to keep costs low. This has been a welcomed checkpoint in my educational pursuits.

2. The wife and I had a beautiful baby girl who is my world in a very different way than I expected. Daughters do indeed have an affect on their fathers.

3. I restarted - from the beginning - my martial arts training. This has been a huge blessing on me physically as well as emotionally. It is always good to have an outlet, and none other gives me quite the gratification.

4. I have a great job with some new found security. It turns out Caswell's offers vacation time to tenured full time employees. That beautiful man Vince confirmed that I have 40 hours available to me even now. Nice.

The year to come has a lot I am looking forward to. I won't have to wait long though since it will all happen in the first four months.

1. I start the next chapter in my education as a university student. At the ripe young age of 30. I am looking forward to it. This happens on the 7th of January.

2. In my training, I start the month off with a belt graduation this upcoming Friday (Jan 4th). Then I have a couple upcoming seminars with senior instructors I have already mentioned. I have also been asked to participate in the dojo's demo at this year's Comicon. The reason we are relevant is because of this whole Naruto phenomenon. I guess it is a show about a card game featuring ninjas. In any case, it is a good way to market the school. Plus I may get to meet Chewbacca and Boba Fett. The former being more important because Peter Mayhew is plenty taller than I am, and quite frankly I would like to have photographic proof that I am not always the vertically superior person in the room.

3. Jeremy and his wife will be bringing forth another niece to this world. Her name shall be Sasha.

4. I have a brother getting married in April. His wife to be is a total sweetie, so I am happy for him. He also happens to live in the Orlando area. Needless to say, I will be taking the kids to Disney World while I am out there. I guess I know where my accrued vacation time is going.

I hope 2007 has been good to all of you, and I wish you all a good 2008!

Seppy - get a cell phone!

Friday, December 28, 2007

The flu sucks

In fact, the flu sucks at least three times as much as allergies. Yesterday, it hit me with as full a force as it is going to. I had a nasty fever that finally broke this morning, but it has caused me to make some less than optimal decisions. For instance, because I didn't want to have to wake up super early today to pull lead, I thought it best to just go in last night to do it. This way, I would sleep until my body told me to wake up. This has proven to be a good decision as my fever is gone. So I stroll into work at midnight and then I find that one of the lanes is also down. So about 2 1/2 hours later, I leave work. There is nothing wrong in the time I went in since the job got done, but I failed to use good judgement in at least leaving my boss a note detailing why I was in at that hour and that I would be coming in late because of it. I meant to do that, but in the end, I forgot. A common side affect of a fever. Needless to say, when my boss called me at about quarter to 12, he was a little worried. My flu-induced behavior is not my M.O., so I understand his cause for concern. So I have the rest of the day off barring any sudden crises on the range.

It literally took everything out of me to fight this thing. I have won, but I am weakened as a result. This sucks because I would like to enjoy some time around my father while he is here. He only has 2 days left.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Give and Take

Well, Christmas is over. As many of you know, I love Christmas. Always have. As such, I have put myself in charge of the family get-togethers. Christmas Eve, the party I planned with my family in Tucson had just under 50 attendees, and then for Christmas day, Kristin and I hosted dinner and games for about 12. I love planning these things, and I plan to do it for years to come. I am however, relieved that it is over. I can finally relax. Maybe. My father is in town, and he is a bit of a go-out-and-doer. Because I keep a full schedule when he is around, I am not going to have much time this week to post, much less what should be tomorrow's anthem.

I did want to comment on the gifts Kristin and I exchanged. I bought her a nice blender with a food processor attachment and gave her about $200 cash (for curtains). Not a bad haul. Kristin got me a flashlight. To be fair, she did ask if I wanted video games or something, but I opted for the infinitely less idle pursuit of my martial arts training. There are some seminars coming up in January and February involving senior instructors (including my instructor's instructor) that came up just shy of $200. Then I also bought a long sleeve T-shirt and a kusari fundo rope that took me over the top. But the whole point here is the flashlight. Kristin has a pretty good sense of humor when she isn't trying to conceal it. I will just let you view the following clip before I go on:

Yeah, so Kristin and I have seen that sketch a couple times since it originally aired, and she laughs her arse off every time she sees it. It has been a while though. So she was out shopping and came across it. Needless to say, I was quite proud of her and her humor. What's more is that there actually arose a need for a flashlight. So...let's just say I put on a show for my in laws (who didn't catch it) that nearly embarrassed the female.

Since Christmas is over and I am pressed for time, I am going to post this week's anthem today. I know it is Wednesday, but I will spare you all the ghey song. A late Christmas present to all. We will end the year with one of Black Sabbath's best songs. This is from what i consider their more palpable material after Ozzy left and Ronnie James Dio joined. This is also after Tony Iommi stopped with the sloppy guitar playing. So that helps. The band now goes by the name of their first album with the current lineup "Heaven and Hell". The song is called "Neon Knights".

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Drive Today, Pollute Tomorrow

You know, it is really sad what is happening to this country. The indoctrination of our youth in our tax-payed public school system is appalling. During the life skills portion of last night's training, we were discussing the old addage "don't put off today what you can do tomorrow". As the bulk of us offered true insight into the discussion, a sweet girl of about 10 spewed the "Drive today, Polute tomorrow" drivel the liberal think tank has been cramming down the throats of our youth. Bear in mind, the comment didn't even remotely make sense in the context of the discussion. To that end, it seemed like the poor child was speaking not from her own personal truth, but rather repeating what she is hearing. I would even go as far as to conjecture that she hasn't heard the argument against the global warming nonsense. Why would she? She is being educated by the government. It is not in the government's best interest to show two sides to a story. THat promotes free thinking, and under such thinking, communism cannot flourish.

When did this nation take such a radical turn from personal freedom? My father holds the belief that the liberalization of this country started in the 50's with Russian exchange students filling the minds of our youth with communistic propaganda on college campuses. For those of you not politically savvy, communism and liberalism are not far cries from each other, and in truth the far left minority of our country (make no mistake, liberals are indeed the minority) would love it if this country veered off in the direction of the old USSR.

Case in point: Time magazine's latest atrocity. It would seem they have named Russian President Vladamir Putin as "Man of the Year". What the hell, man? Before you go off thinking that Time may not have their facts straight on the man, let me offer the following. One of the reasons (and I understand the first reason they mention) is his "order before freedom" mantra. Huh. Order before freedom. Among other things, he maintains this "order" by killing or removing his political (and media) adversaries. Sounds very similar to the Soviet Union this country - Republicans and Democrats alike - fought so hard to break down. He is also in bed with Iranian president Ahmadinejad. Nice. I tell you all, and you may quote me on this: war with Russia is imminent. Iran too. If we don't move in and kick the problem in the arse before it becomes a situation we cannot control *coughwaronterrorcough*, then we are doomed to another uphill battle. Shoot first, ask questions later. These two nations are run by savages and one thing savages have taught us: there is no reasoning with them.

Anyway, on to brighter stuff. Christmas is on Tuesday, so this will be the last Christmas music you will hear for about 11 months. I promised Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and I will deliver. The first song is their ever-popular "Wizards in Winter". The second song is Twisted Sister's "Heavy Metal Christmas". This is a new take on "The 12 Days of Christmas". I have never liked that song. I am all about TS's version. The lyrics are even \m/. There are some killer guitar and bass lines. All memebrs of the band sing solo (and are all great). This leads me to an earlier statement that Twisted Sister is one of the best bands of their era. Amazing fun. Turn the volume all the way up, bang your heads, and have a Merry Christmas if I don't post again before then.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I hate painting

Tonight is the night of the annual range paining. The walls and the floor of the range will be painted tonight by a group of us. Then tomorrow night, I will go solo and paint the lines on the range floor. The latter in particular sucks because it takes longer than it seems it should. Tonight will take longer than it should because it is more of a beer drinking party for everyone else involved. Add to that the fact that I haven't slothed with my homies in weeks. Now it looks like I may not until after the new year. Actually I take that back. I may be able to swing Saturday, then next weekend is wide open until my Dad arrives on Sunday. I will so enjoy having him out here. I just feel it is a little weird that he and Mom are spending Christmas apart. And since I feel it is weird, it is. Because it is how I feel.

Since my mood isn't super great right now (have I mentioned that I hate painting?), the anthems for this week will be Christmas themed, but will revel in sin. That's right, I said anthems. There will be two this week, and two next week. All will be top tier and I have been saving them for the end.

The first is AC/DC's "Mistress for Christmas". It is a fan made video that is really just a slideshow of half naked chicks. The second is Spinal Tap performing "Christmas With the Devil" on SNL. There is an interview that precedes the song, in all the video is like 9 1/2 minutes long. If you just want to get to the song itself, it starts at around 5:27.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Give me a portion of your mushy meat

Holy crap, I have a treat for you! If this were a full song, it would make it this week's anthem. Even though Christmas is not specifically mentioned, shepherd's pie is a common item on many a dinner table this time of year (mine excluded). I am now tempted to give it a try. Anyway, this commercial is old, but I remember it from something. Also, the singer is NOT Ronnie James Dio. It looks like him, but it is that other troll from Uriah's Heap. There is a band you may expect soon. They were great.

Oh, and I should mention, the anthem I will post tomorrow will make up for the humorous ones I have posted the last couple weeks (Mr. Seppy).

Thursday, December 06, 2007

One week later...

...and allergies still suck. No longer can this statement be even remotely considered normative. After a week-long stint (with the end nowhere in sight), I can affirm it is absolutely positive.

Since I am not feeling my best, I am going to roll right into the anthem. If you haven't figured it out yet, I am all about the 80's hair bands. It would seem that Stryper (you remember: the guys that would throw Bibles into the audience) has remade a classic in the way only an 80's hair band can. Here is "Winter Wonderland" for your enjoyment!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Surprise, Surprise!

I had a fairly packed weekend. Friday after the graduation, I went to Mike's place for some games. In "Boxers or Briefs", Steph and I both won the game as per the rules we made up as we went. Cool thing about that game: rule making is certainly an option, and it is easy. Afterwards, we played "Settlers of Catan" where Christina made somewhat quick work of us once she got on her roll. The dice rolled in her favor more than once. More than six times, even. Mike and I later retired to his 360 where we plaed some Caracassone. I was dozing in and out of sleep, so it took me a while to get through the tutorial.

Saturday started off as routinely usual Saturday. The boy and I went to our classes, then I came home. Kristin went out with her sister for a while, so I stayed with the kids and played Halo 3 (sweet!). When Kristin got back, she said we were meeting her sister for dinner. We saddled the kids up and made our way to the Mesa Grand shopping center where after a series of follies, we ended up at El Paso. Turns out that dinner with her sister was really a surprise birthday dinner she put together for me. Kristin's family was all there, Jeremy's family was there, and Mike and Jeff was there. This was the best birthday Kristin has put together for me. To all who showed up to that: thank you. It was really fun.

Sunday there was church, a whole lot of Halo, and pancakes. I also finished the planning for the family Christmas Eve party which was a load off my mind. I am thinking about organizing a Christmas box social for my local crew in a couple weeks. Maybe it will be a mixer or a shindig. We shall see if it is possible.

Halo online = \m/

Billy Idol singing christmas tunes = \m/ \m/