Is it 2008 already?
1. After yet another change in major, I am now done with the community college system. I have taken all I can (to stay full time anyway) to keep costs low. This has been a welcomed checkpoint in my educational pursuits.
2. The wife and I had a beautiful baby girl who is my world in a very different way than I expected. Daughters do indeed have an affect on their fathers.
3. I restarted - from the beginning - my martial arts training. This has been a huge blessing on me physically as well as emotionally. It is always good to have an outlet, and none other gives me quite the gratification.
4. I have a great job with some new found security. It turns out Caswell's offers vacation time to tenured full time employees. That beautiful man Vince confirmed that I have 40 hours available to me even now. Nice.
The year to come has a lot I am looking forward to. I won't have to wait long though since it will all happen in the first four months.
1. I start the next chapter in my education as a university student. At the ripe young age of 30. I am looking forward to it. This happens on the 7th of January.
2. In my training, I start the month off with a belt graduation this upcoming Friday (Jan 4th). Then I have a couple upcoming seminars with senior instructors I have already mentioned. I have also been asked to participate in the dojo's demo at this year's Comicon. The reason we are relevant is because of this whole Naruto phenomenon. I guess it is a show about a card game featuring ninjas. In any case, it is a good way to market the school. Plus I may get to meet Chewbacca and Boba Fett. The former being more important because Peter Mayhew is plenty taller than I am, and quite frankly I would like to have photographic proof that I am not always the vertically superior person in the room.
3. Jeremy and his wife will be bringing forth another niece to this world. Her name shall be Sasha.
4. I have a brother getting married in April. His wife to be is a total sweetie, so I am happy for him. He also happens to live in the Orlando area. Needless to say, I will be taking the kids to Disney World while I am out there. I guess I know where my accrued vacation time is going.
I hope 2007 has been good to all of you, and I wish you all a good 2008!
Seppy - get a cell phone!