Thursday, December 20, 2007

Drive Today, Pollute Tomorrow

You know, it is really sad what is happening to this country. The indoctrination of our youth in our tax-payed public school system is appalling. During the life skills portion of last night's training, we were discussing the old addage "don't put off today what you can do tomorrow". As the bulk of us offered true insight into the discussion, a sweet girl of about 10 spewed the "Drive today, Polute tomorrow" drivel the liberal think tank has been cramming down the throats of our youth. Bear in mind, the comment didn't even remotely make sense in the context of the discussion. To that end, it seemed like the poor child was speaking not from her own personal truth, but rather repeating what she is hearing. I would even go as far as to conjecture that she hasn't heard the argument against the global warming nonsense. Why would she? She is being educated by the government. It is not in the government's best interest to show two sides to a story. THat promotes free thinking, and under such thinking, communism cannot flourish.

When did this nation take such a radical turn from personal freedom? My father holds the belief that the liberalization of this country started in the 50's with Russian exchange students filling the minds of our youth with communistic propaganda on college campuses. For those of you not politically savvy, communism and liberalism are not far cries from each other, and in truth the far left minority of our country (make no mistake, liberals are indeed the minority) would love it if this country veered off in the direction of the old USSR.

Case in point: Time magazine's latest atrocity. It would seem they have named Russian President Vladamir Putin as "Man of the Year". What the hell, man? Before you go off thinking that Time may not have their facts straight on the man, let me offer the following. One of the reasons (and I understand the first reason they mention) is his "order before freedom" mantra. Huh. Order before freedom. Among other things, he maintains this "order" by killing or removing his political (and media) adversaries. Sounds very similar to the Soviet Union this country - Republicans and Democrats alike - fought so hard to break down. He is also in bed with Iranian president Ahmadinejad. Nice. I tell you all, and you may quote me on this: war with Russia is imminent. Iran too. If we don't move in and kick the problem in the arse before it becomes a situation we cannot control *coughwaronterrorcough*, then we are doomed to another uphill battle. Shoot first, ask questions later. These two nations are run by savages and one thing savages have taught us: there is no reasoning with them.

Anyway, on to brighter stuff. Christmas is on Tuesday, so this will be the last Christmas music you will hear for about 11 months. I promised Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and I will deliver. The first song is their ever-popular "Wizards in Winter". The second song is Twisted Sister's "Heavy Metal Christmas". This is a new take on "The 12 Days of Christmas". I have never liked that song. I am all about TS's version. The lyrics are even \m/. There are some killer guitar and bass lines. All memebrs of the band sing solo (and are all great). This leads me to an earlier statement that Twisted Sister is one of the best bands of their era. Amazing fun. Turn the volume all the way up, bang your heads, and have a Merry Christmas if I don't post again before then.


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