Friday, December 28, 2007

The flu sucks

In fact, the flu sucks at least three times as much as allergies. Yesterday, it hit me with as full a force as it is going to. I had a nasty fever that finally broke this morning, but it has caused me to make some less than optimal decisions. For instance, because I didn't want to have to wake up super early today to pull lead, I thought it best to just go in last night to do it. This way, I would sleep until my body told me to wake up. This has proven to be a good decision as my fever is gone. So I stroll into work at midnight and then I find that one of the lanes is also down. So about 2 1/2 hours later, I leave work. There is nothing wrong in the time I went in since the job got done, but I failed to use good judgement in at least leaving my boss a note detailing why I was in at that hour and that I would be coming in late because of it. I meant to do that, but in the end, I forgot. A common side affect of a fever. Needless to say, when my boss called me at about quarter to 12, he was a little worried. My flu-induced behavior is not my M.O., so I understand his cause for concern. So I have the rest of the day off barring any sudden crises on the range.

It literally took everything out of me to fight this thing. I have won, but I am weakened as a result. This sucks because I would like to enjoy some time around my father while he is here. He only has 2 days left.


Blogger Mike said...

Dude, get through that plague before Monday night or there shall be no Rock Band for you!

BTW Steph is already a better drummer than I am.

Also Blackened is awesome

11:55 PM  

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