Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy Wednesday!

Well, I should be at the Nightwish concert right now, but I am not. Because of the move, I had neither the time nor money to drop on the concert. Sorry Mike...I can't tell you if Anette sings the old stuff as well as Tarja. I wonder if Jeff ended up going?

I couldn't go to train either. I do get to go tomorrow though.

Since I am scheduled to lose internet access tomorrow (I won't be back on until Saturday), I am going to have to post the next anthem today. As some of you may know, today is Gay Day (as are all Wednesdays). So I chose the gayest song I could think of that isn't emo. This is a band that has some gems and a whole smorgasboard (sp?) of crap. This is by far their gayest song. Here is Poison's uber ghey "Unskinny Bop".


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nightwish > Moving

You sir S U C K !

6:57 AM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Nightwish > moving:

I agree. I hate moving, but I can't just leave Kristin High and dry.

I wonder why I still have cable. It was supposed to be cut today. They had best set it up at the new place tomorrow as planned.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Opps...forgot to login last time. My home machine just has it saved unlike my work machine. I'm also going to have to see if I can change that 'Michael'...feels so formal.

Moving: You have two sons for that. Put them to work.

Internet: Yes because a weekend without free porn only a click away is pretty much hell on earth.

6:45 AM  

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