Monday, November 05, 2007

Congrats, Jeff!

Tonight, Jeff was given his white belt test. He passed with the flying colors that should be expected given the nature of it. A lot of people might think of the white belt as simply the beginner, if not unimportant belt. I have in the past been guilty of such a thought process. But ever since I have been enrolled at this particular school, I have developed a more accurate concept of the belt. Like a lot of things I take with me at the dojo, Micheal explains to each new student the importance of the white belt. He even oges as far as to say it is the most important. The reason: because without the white belt, there are no others. The white belt is the symbol of the commitment a martial artist takes to becoming a black belt and beyond.

Anyway, I guess Jeff is now officially baptized into the art of To Shin Do, and my hat's off to him. I look forward to discovering what the style has to offer alongside him. Oh, and I am aware of how ghey that sounded. So take your shots, Mike(s).


Blogger Unknown said...

Like a lot of things I take with me at the dojo, Micheal explains to each new student the importance of the white belt.

Notice a problem with this sentence? Let me help you see it more clearly.


You misspelled MY name Erin. Yes I know you are talking about a different Michael but MY name...

Grats on you have a 'grappling partner' to practice all your exotic eastern ‘arts’.

And since you asked job is blah but people seem nice.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

I suppose I made a typo. As you know, that is also my middle name.

Jpobs usually are blah, but it is good you are back working with computers.

Did you get to hit on the chick with the great rack?

3:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Since I took the job I decided to resist the temptation. Trust me, I have learned my lesson about getting involved with chicks I work with.

Oh...but when I quit...the bitch better watch out!

Disclaimer: said rule about no work chicks does not apply to boss's daughters...hur hur hur

8:22 AM  

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