Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sweet Meat

Saturday I spent the day (post training) with Jeff, Mike, Steph, and Christina. It started off with Jeff and I road triping clear out to north Phoenix to repo our musical equipment from Scott's house. My bass equipment was present and accounted for, but the drums Jeff so graciously provided to the band were not there. They had been lent out to a guy that neither Jeff nor I know. Needless to say Jeff was pissed...VERY pissed. I was let down yet again. Being the rather positive folk we are, Jeff and I managed to put it all on hold enough to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Immediately after leaving Scott's place, we went to Mike's house for a barbecue. In addition to the meat, Christina and Steph made an incredible potato side. While we ate, we watched the Diamondbacks torch the Cubs as we all thought they would followed by a round of poker and Settlers of Catan out on the patio. Later Mike, Jeff, and I went to Dave and Buster's then on to TGI Fridays. The entire day (save for the disappointment) was exactly what I needed. It has been too long since I have gotten to log in that much time in a sitting with my friends.

I also made a wager last night. I am convinced the Lions will beat the Cardinals next month. Mike believes otherwise. No longer satisfied with simple Coke bets, I proposed a steak dinner bet. It was even upped to the loser has to buy the steak for the winner and his spouse. That steak will be so much sweeter when the Lions win. I will be a good winner though. For dessert I will treat Mike to a nice big bowl of "I told you so". Oh yes, I plan to gloat.

On the other hand, if I lose (which I won't)......


Blogger Mike said...

Notice the Lions score against the Redskins from Sunday? I'll take that steak medium well, with the sauteed onions on top.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Hey A-Ron, you down with the Lorwyn release day at Mana Werx on saturday? It will be like the day at Warboss that time. Except for Lorwyn.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

I will be in Tucson visiting some family. Otherwise, I would be down.

We need to talk. Kristin and I are thinking about getting together possibly next Friday if her Mom can take the kids.

10:05 PM  

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