Sunday, October 28, 2007

"I Am A Black Belt!"

Friday night, I went to the dojo to participate in this month's graduation. Paul, a fellow student, asked me to participate in his demo. Of course I accepted. Jeff showed up as well to take in a taste of things to come in his training. Based on conversations we had later that night, it seems he is quite eager to get back on the mats. He has been out for the last week due to a sprained knee injury he sustained at a softball game.

Anyway, at the end when the new belts were being awarded, I was asked to step up on the mat. At that time, my official induction into the Masters Club was realized. Those who join either the Black Belt Club or the Masters Club get to see and hold their black belt in a ceremony of sorts. The belts are embroidered with the student's name on one side, and "To Shin Do Kasumi An" in Japanese on the other. After a brief speech to the audience, and then to me, I was handed my belt. I was told to look at it for a while and take in what it symbolizes. When I was ready, I turned to the audience, held the belt on high, and announced, "I am a black belt!" - this phrase pointing out that my head and heart are in the right place, and the only thing separating me from wearing the belt is time. I immediately surrendered the belt and it was then hung up with all the other black belts at the front of the dojo. This is very exciting. I look forward to wearing it one day. It sucks that Kristin wasn't there to see it, but I am glad Jeff was. I look forward to seeing his induction when the time is right.

We got the house rented tonight. Now we will get our security deposit back minus the prorated amount of time we will live here in November. This means no new checks to write to the current landlord.

The search for more carreer-appropriate work continues. The application I put in at a particular local company didn't work out. I had a very strange interview over the phone with the manager. I am hoping that my application is reconsidered with the recruitment folks over there. Steph told me she would see about the recruiters calling me or something if at all possible. She is awesome like that.

The Lions won today sweeping the Bears 2-0. The score was 16-7. What a thing of beauty that game was.

Halloween is coming up, and since I have kids, I have to pretend like I like it. Haloween nauseates me. Especially the makeup. The smell of that stuff makes me want to yack. Thinking about it isn't a whole lot better. Ah well, some thinghs just simply all about the kids. This is why I gladly grin and bear it.


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