Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Religion, thy name is Iron Maiden

The past six days have gone by very quickly. In retrospect, it seems like the elapsed time was much longer. I attribute this to the insane amount of crap I have been up to.

Mike's visit was a success. He and the local crew seemed to get along pretty well. He saw his share of women he would classify as hot, and it is looking like he feels Arizona is a solid possibility for residence. His hopes of seeing what a triple digit day feels like were never realized. We were 110 last Tuesday, but when he got here on Thursday, it was 58 and raining. Friday wasn't much better. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were beautiful and were like unto early April with highs in the mid 80s.

We saw the new Indiana Jones movie on Friday. Though there were some nostalgic elements to the acting, the movie failed to deliver the full glory of what is otherwise an incredible series. I mean, aliens? Really?

The other days of the visit mostly involved going out to random places and people's houses. We met Mike B and his wife Friday night. Saturday, Mike insisted I show him the canal I drove my car into four years ago coupled with a stop at Jeremy's place. That evening we met Jeff and Roxy for some karaoke. Sunday was a day largely spent with the family. Monday began with breakfast at AZ Bread Co. where we were joined by MikeB and John. Afterwards we made haste back to Mike's house for some Rock Band. Later in the afternoon we were joined by Brad had a barbecue.

After another round of Rock Band we headed out to Cricket Pavillion to take in Iron Maiden. The experience was nothing short of religious. They managed to well up emotions no band has been able to do for years. I think it is because they played only their classic stuff. The most recent album represented was from 1991 (Fear of the Dark). There were a few songs I would have liked to hear that weren't played, but they played nothing I didn't want to hear. In fact, they were on a tear for a while with songs that were nothing short of the best they have ever written. They did a "Wasted Years" - "The Number of the Beast" - "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" run that could very well be the best 25 minutes of my life. Musically speaking that is. They are without a doubt the best live band there ever was. They don't just play music, they put on a show. Even the opening act, Lauren Harris (daughter of Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris) put on a good visual act. Granted the music paled by comparison, but she and her band were very energetic. So they score points for that.

Today, Mike left me to go back to depressing Maryland. In fact, he is on the plane as I type this. The talk right now puts his potential move date to Arizona somewhere around mid October.

I started my job with Wells Fargo today. The job still seems great. I met my immediate supervisor, and he was as cool as any of the other supervisors I have met thus far. This seems really good. I get 20 days of PTO per year (that is a full month) and then six corporate holidays. 26 days off work in a year to start is not a bad way to go. I also get benefits starting July 1. It has been almost a decade since I have had dental insurance. I am going to finally get those fillings and root canals I have always wanted! Well, hopefully not the latter, but there is no doubt I will recieve the former in quantity. Oh joy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

iron maiden…. hm…. I love this band and this song too! they’re insane! true rock to the max.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to check this out


10:53 AM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

I got a 404 code. What is it about? Maybe I can search for it on the game trailer website.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Isorski said...

I just caught Maiden outside of Seattle the other night. They were awesome as expected. Sounds like you had a similar experience. I posted a review and some photos at http://isorski.blogspot.com/2008/06/concert-review-iron-maiden-part-two.html. Check it out!

12:08 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

It's great to see so many people loving this Maiden tour. What a great band!

10:11 AM  

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