Wednesday, May 21, 2008

End of an Era

Well, I am on my final stretch. My time of unemployment will come to an end on Tuesday next. I will finish this chapter of my life in the best possible way. With Mike coming out to visit and an Iron Maiden concert on Memorial Day, the time will pass quickly. Maybe too quickly. While I am excited to get back to work with a solid company, I also desire to pace myself between now and then. I haven't seen Mike for about a year and a half, so there is a good amount of catching up to do.

As I have previously mentioned, his visit here is partially to check the area out as a place to live. In the times he has visited, he hasn't taken such a critical look at things. While I am confident he will get along famously with my friends here (I tend to choose the same type of friend wherever I go), I am worried about how he will take the heat. The weather calls for decent temperatures, but as we Arizonans know, the weather has a tendency to whimsically change course. On the other hand, maybe at least one day of triple digit temperatures would do him good. this would lend to an informed decision on his part.

Well, I will not be posting for another several days probably, so here is this week's anthem. I am staying with Iron Maiden, and sticking with the live show in Rio. This is the other favorite of Mike's called "The Number of the Beast".


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