Thursday, April 03, 2008

"You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? No, you just had to push it! Well, now you're gonna pay!"

Thanks to Mike, I have recieved a brand new Guitar Hero III with guitar for $25. They run about $99 normally. His former roomate won it from a local radio station, and having no real use for it asked Mike if he knew anyone who would want it. All he asked for was the money he spent in gas winning it (which I am sure he went through quite a bit given the contest being run). Without much thought at all, I am sure I came to mind and Mike gave the guy the money knowing full well I wouldn't pass up a sweet deal like that. So I have to publicly thank Mike for getting his hands on it for me.

With my vacation coming up, I have been put to the task of making sure that at the very least, the lead gets pulled. Today it is established that the guy who replaced me when I went to the pharmacy is coming to do that and keep things running while I am away. I find this to be quite concerning. On one hand, the guy works for the City of Scottsdale and undoubtedly has awesome benefits and probably gets paid more. On the other hand, working at a shooting range gives a person some bragging rights as most people around here find that sort of thing thrilling. I know whenever I tell people where I work, I get a lot of "oooohs" and "aahhhs". Add to that the fact that the general manager swung off this guy's nuts for the duration he worked there, it would not surprise me if conversations starting with "I really miss you..." ensue. I really shouldn't worry because I get things done. I know I do. The manager who works on weekends and oversees a lot of the administrative side of things such as would be done in an HR department knows it too. In fact, when I was going to quit a couple months ago, he convinced me not to. Unfortunately, he is not the one I have to deal with everyday. The one I do have to deal with has been pleasant enough as late, but the thought to bring back the person who replaced me a year ago is a trifle unsettling. Maybe I am anxious for no reason. He won't even be coming in until the late afternoon and evening. As I said, he already has a job.

So, about the title of this entry. I am sure we all remember this well-delivered line from the mouth of one Johnny Lawrence just before he gives Daniel Larusso his well-deserved final beating. What a brilliant movie that was. As brilliant as the script is, the movie also passes with a solid A+ for its soundtrack. Mike and I realize this and want to pay homage. Since no one reading this blog (save for Mike) will actually be able to go to the event, I thought I would give you all a sneak peak of one of the songs on the setlist. It is probably the most memorable song from "The Karate Kid". Featured in its entirity during the tournament montage, this week's anthem is "You're the Best" by Joe Esposito (complete with classic 80's fade-out).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any difference between the GH3 controller and the older ones?

7:48 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Other than the cosmetic look of the controller and the fact it is wireless, I cannot say I have noticed any differences.

I have heard that it isn't very responsive and that the guitar that came with the 360 (specifically) version of GH2 is the superior product. I assume this is because hard wired peripherals always do better generally. If it is better, I have not noticed the difference as yet.

I did play the game the other day from a different room...because I could.

Oh, the feel of the controller is definitely different and takes a minute to adjust to. Like actual guitars, if you go from one body type to another, it feels kinda icky for the first little bit. That is why most musicians don't deviate from a particular type of guitar.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like the guitar from 360's g2. But that could be because of what you just said.

I posted some questions to your comments on my blog, could you check them out and answer them POR FAVOR?!

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO how'd the show go? HUH HUH HUH?

3:11 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

I posted a recap of the show on my blog (linked from A-ron's main page)

9:46 AM  

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