Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tell me why, McCain

The GOP race for the presidential nomination is officially over (and has been since Tuesday realistically). The man I voted for, Mitt Romney, has pulled out after being beaten up by the McCain-Huckabee alliance. This has been like a bad Survivor episode. So in November I am forced to decide between a liberal and a liberal. Personally, I think my choices will be McCain and Hillary.

Truthfully, Romney was not my initial first choice. He was third. My first choice was Tom Tancredo of Colorado. He dropped long before any voting day, so obviously I couldn't roll with him. He did endorse Romney and I took that to heart. After much deliberation, I decided I would see how Duncan Hunter of California would fare (he is the guy who actually BUILT A FENCE on the border - which has had positive effects. I respect that). When it was obvious to everyone including Hunter that he had not the funding to be relevant, I put my support for Romney. Of all the candidates, Romney was by far the best man to ease our economic woes. He would have been strong on defense, and his immigration policies were acceptable even though they would have taken years to realize fruition.

So here I am. Do I choose Liberal (R) or Liberal (D). Part of me wants Hillary to win the presidency. Not because I think she would be better (she would be much much worse), but because I know she would screw this country up so badly that in 2010 both Congress and the Senate would return to the Republicans. They would undermine her efforts to communize this country, then Romney or another worthy GOP contender could step in in 2012. On the other hand, if she does win, she will appoint the most liberal judges she can find to the Supreme Court and then we will have them crapping all over our constitution for the next 25 years. That is almost reason enough to let the GOP fall under McCain's administration as per the way I see it unfolding.

So now I ask my dear senator: why? Why should I vote for you in November? You have nine months to prove your value to me. So far you haven't been very good at your current job. Now you ask for a promotion. Most of your constituents are quite unhappy about "McCain-Feingold" and "McCain-Kennedy". Since you have been so ready to wipe your arse with United States laws and make new ones, why should we think you won't try it again? I want to want to vote for you. I really do. Please give me a reason. If you need some help, I offer the following pointers:

  • Do not make Mike Huckabee your VP. If we wanted that in the White House, we would invite Jimmy Carter back.
  • You admit the economy is not your strong point. Offer Mitt Romney a position somewhere on your staff and give him the green light to fix it. Then tell America your plans.
  • You have great national defense policies. Keep them intact regardless of what your friends in the house majority want.
  • Your constintuents are the ones that would give you this job. They don't hire you to "reach across the aisle" if it sacrifices the integrity of the nation.
  • Keep the tax cuts you opposed that you now say you support in effect. Maybe you had a legitimate change of mind. Prove it.

Anyway, that is all for now, Senator.

Okay. So enough of that. It is Thursday and is therefore anthem day. Since Valentine's day is around the corner, I thought I should make this week's installment about Love. And who has a better definition of love than J. Geils and his band? I think you all know what this one is called. Oh, and sorry about the sound and video not matching up.


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