Sunday, January 06, 2008

Skipping a grade

Friday night was a belt graduation night for the boy and I. The graduation ceremony started as they typically do. The whole group performed striking techniques first, then while the adults sat around the mat perimeter, the younglings showed the material they have been working on for the last three months. The boy did very well, and has done me proud. Afterward, the kids sat around the perimeter and we adults performed our material of the last couple months. Once this was done, it was time for those with a black striped belt to do their demos. This is where it got interesting for me. I was wearing a solid yellow belt. I thought I was going to graduate to my yellow/black belt, so imagine my surprise when I was asked to put on an impromptu demo. I was expecting to do the demo at my next graduation in three months. After my demo, I did some blind rolling. This means that I closed my eyes, and three of the black belts pushed me around and I had to roll in the direction they pushed me. It was very dizzying and disorienting. Fun though.

At the end of all this, the black belts and instructors all go into the office to compare the notes they were taking while we sit and wait. During this time, I turned to my favorite uke, Paul, and asked if I was mistaken in my assumption that I just did a demo. He agreed with my instinct. Within five minutes of deliberation, the instructors and company came back out, and new belts were awarded. The boy got his camo/blue belt and instead of getting a yellow/black, I recieved my blue/white. They skipped me up a belt. Before Michael wrapped it around my waist, he explained to the students and the audience that I was being skipped ahead because of my technique combined with my previous experience of having "already worn a few belts in the ninja arts". My initial reaction was "are you sure?", but as soon as the thought entered my head, it occured to me that maybe I should just trust in the judgement of my superiors. Humility is good sometimes, but by second guessing the decision, it would show an utter lack of respect for Michael's opinion. So I accept and embrace the decision. And hey...that is 3 months less time before I obtain my black belt. Not to mention the ego boost.

Last night, I finally got over to Mike's place for an evening of MTG, food, games, and Rock Band. I was drummer for most of the experience. All I can say about the game is "wow". Though my wrist hurts something fierce from all that drumming, I look forward to doing it again. The evening would have been amazing just based on that game alone, but it got even better. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned this before, but I know I have mentioned the name Christina on more than one occasion. Christina is an amazing cook. Her food is so good it makes me want to turn and slap someone. She made lasagna and brownies. Needless to say, the pans on which the aforementioned comestibles were prepared were picked clean in a very short window of time. Later in the evening, Mike and John joined me at the range so we could put a cable up on a lane. It had been down all day and I am sure the wait was particularly long because of it. My thanks goes out to Mike for his assistance.

I have also decided to publicly make an announcement on a project not even my wife is aware of. For the past two and a half years, I have been working on a book. Initially, I started it because I was dissatisfied with the lack of interesting subject matter in fiction. Since then, I have discovered some good historical fiction of various genres, but my sights are still on for the work in progress. I started writing while I was living in Salisbury, Maryland, but I had a computer crash somewhat recently that lost all of my work. Minor setback, right? I am more careful now in that I know to backup important information. What is the book about? Well, as I have stated before in regards to other subjects, I am not in the habit of giving too much away on a public forum like this, but what I can tell you is:

- It is a historical fiction
- The setting is in ancient Egypt

That is all you get for now. Once I learn more about the law and protecting my ideas, I will hold off on giving any more away. I can tell you that the majority of my progress is dialogue. I wanted to get my characters developed before I described too much in the setting. That part will come as I format the book.

In retrospect, I probably should have told Kristin about this. I am far too secretive even with her...


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