Sunday, February 03, 2008

I rest my case

It is no secret that I believe Tom Brady is the most overrated quarterback in the history of the NFL. His unearned reputation perpetuated by broadcasters such as his friend Howie Long have created a hype that sadly, Mr. Brady could not live up to. Sure, the guy broke all sorts of records this year, and I congratulate him on that. However, it would seem that his offensive line had about as much to do with those records as he did. Even Joey Harrington could have had a record like that if his O.L.s had given him all the time in the world to execute. Tonight, the New England O.L. took some time off. Brady couldn't cut it, as I knew he couldn't with a sub-par line. I rest my case.

Am I saying he is a bad quarterback? By no means. Indeed he is among the best currently playing. He performed the way any of the other good quarterbacks would have under the circumstances. He is talented, but the media overrates him without looking at the big picture. He is but one part of the only true team in the league. There are no superstars (except for Randy Moss), just good players that know how to read and work with eachother. Not to mention their coaching staff is indeed the best there ever was in the game.

With the amount of respect for the Pats I have, I still hate them. Always have (for the record, I am not one of those band-wagoners that hate them because they are doing so well). I have never been a fan of the Giants either. I am also not not a fan either. I never really think of the Giants. Their irrelevance is evident sometimes because I often forget they exist. However, because they beat the team I loathe more than the Raiders, Packers, Bears, and Vikings put together, I may just start rooting for them. New York were saviors of sorts. Their victory took from the Patriots (at least for another year) the "19-0" trademark they were going for. The Partriots can die in fire for such arrogance.

Anyway, I can still hear the trumpets of heaven blasting their fanfare for yet another victory over the forces of evil. I have some celebrating I need to do, phone calls to make with my fellow Patriot-haters, and some schoolwork to do.

A wonderous work and glory was performed this night. God bless the Giants. God bless every one of them.



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