Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jolie + Ayn Rand?

Here is a strange tidbit:

Angelina Jolie will take on the major female roll in the upcoming "Atlas Shrugged". There are a few things that raise an eyebrow about this:

1. There is little possibility of a more boring movie ever being made - past, present, and future.

2. Ayn Rand was a real coservative. In fact, a lot of super conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck hold her in high regard and have been known to quote her.

3. Angelina Jolie absolutely adores Rand. She also adores the UN. Is it just me, or is the UN the exact opposite of what Ayn Rand stood for?

So how do the powers making this film (to which Jolie owns the rights) plan to make this movie? I mean, John Galt's monologue spans for over 40 pages of the book that (according to Rand) took the guy three hours to orate. I suppose they could make the movie about that. Three hours of him talking about objectivism. Those pages basically drive the point the rest of the book is trying to make home. But what an excruciating experience it would be.

Bear in mind, I respect Ayn Rand tremendously and agree with a lot of what she had to say. That being said (and going back to item 1)...what a boring movie it would make. Then add Angelina and (from what I understand playing the role of Galt) Brad Pitt to the mix to cement the insult. Not because of their acting ability (to which I give them credit), but rather to their hypocrisy. Bah.

How about some music? It is high time I put some music out from a supergroup. This particular band is as far as I know the most successful in that they had more than just one song people remember. They have more like 4 or 5. This band features Tommy Show of Styx (guitar and most of the time lead vocals - not in this song), Jack Blades of Night Ranger (Bass and lead vocals in this song), Ted Nugent (you should know him, lead guitar), and some random drummer they picked up. Anyway, this song is called "Don't Tread On Me". That's like a big finger in the world's face that says, "Kiss my American ass!" ( I love uncle Ted).


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