Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Broken System

Saturday, I went to Tucson to have my Grandfather do my taxes. He is a beautiful man that has made a regular habit of getting me a refund. I have never owed since he has been under my employ. The thing is that my refund is always quite substantial. Not only did the IRS and state of Arizona not keep any of the money, but they gave me such a big return that (after I figured for the social security and medicare they do keep) I ended up increasing my annual income by over $3,000 . On one hand, I am all about more money. On the other hand, I feel like the system must severely broken to give a guy more money than he put into said system. The money the government did keep was from two unreasonably broken programs (Social Security and Medicare...in case you haven't been following). Frankly, I would rather my witheld money go into something else like new toilets in the capitol or something. Seems fitting since the government is notorious for crapping all over our tax funds.

Getting back to the substantial sum I am receiving...

So on the way down to Tucson, Kristin and I made a bet on the amounrt we were getting back. Always the pessimist, she low-balled the amount by $500. Though I made more last year than the year before, the difference is negligible. Our tax refunds over the last couple years have been well into the $5000's, so why would this year be any different. So I optimistically placed my bet higher than hers, and still low-balled it by $212. I won the bet. Winning the bet meant two things: I would not have to make dinner for a week, and I would be allowed to purchase a grill. The grill would be one of the keys to entertaining at my place accomplishing the two-fold goal of not being out and away from my family and giving Kristin a much needed avenue to a social life. Not to mention that I love to grill. In the end, the grill was not to be. I picked a grill and was told "no". Ok...so then I decided instead I will purchase Rock Band (on sale this week for $149), but again, "no".

Am I frustrated? Oh yes. Yes I am. However, there is a way I can still make good on my bet winnings. Of marriage, a wise man was once heard to say, "It is always easier to get forgiveness than permission". Kristin might just see a grill here by the weekend afterall.

Speaking of bets, I still owe Mike a steak dinner. We need to get that set up.


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