Thursday, September 13, 2007

Maury Povich would be proud

Tomorrow evening, I will be having dinner with the brother Kristin never knew she had. She heard fleeting rumors when she was about 12, but never really paid them any mind. Long story short, she is finally going to meet this guy (Luke). I am interested to see if there is any resemblence. If not, I will petition for them to do a DNA test on the Maury Povich show. That would be freakin' sweet. All jokeing aside, I am also anticipating this a little bit. He seems pretty cool based on what I know of him. I hope this turns out well so that I can finally look forward to a visit with one of Kristin's family members. Lately, all of the visits have been awkward with her maternal side of the family. Luke, by the way, is of the paternal side.

I was notified officially a couple days ago that Jayden and I are both up for graduation to the next rank at the end of the month. I already knew I was going to graduate, but Jayden's came as a pleasant surprise. I try not to interfere with things as they relate to the kids classes, so I had no idea of how they move up the ranks. Graduations take place on the fourth Friday of each month. I will miss the ceremonies as my cousin is getting married that day. I will likely make up my "test" the following day after class, or before (or after) the kenjutsu (sword) seminar being held that day. Next month I will be in the Masters Club and my traqining will be in a full circle at that point. Not only will I don the black gi, but I will be trained in many armed combative styles. As I go through these traininngs, I will go into more depth including the practical aspects of learning to use things like the bo, sword, and kusari fundo (chain with a heavy bolt on either side). I can go into that detail now, but I will reserve special posts for this.

The roof at work has finally gotten some new foam thrown on it. And though this process will go on for about a week, I can feel the relief knowing that should it rain from here on out, I have nothing to worry about. In fact, I may be able to even enjoy it. Thank God this monsoon season was a bust. I had a hard enough time with the little rain we did get. Here's to a damp summer '08.

I think it is obvious from one of my more recent posts which direction I am going with the anthem this week. Because the song is so groin-grabbingly badass in Guitar Hero, I am including the studio version of Extreme's "Play With Me". It seems a video was never made for this song, so you just get the song. Maybe it is for the best.


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