Thursday, September 06, 2007


First off, I would like to direct your attention to Mike Bahr's blog. If you don't read it regularly, I urge you to read his latest blog (at the time of posting). It is entitled: "Oh, we've already decided that". The post explains exactly why I think socialized health care is a load of crap.

Today I spent about 7 hours or so on the roof (again). I was battening down the plywood covering the skylights to protect them from the potential storms that will be rolling this way over the next couple days. As it turns out, there was no good way to perform the task placed before me, and much of the drop cover I was sealing had flown clear off many of the skylights. When it was all said and done, I managed to only satisfactorily seal up the skylights directly over the showroom and the electrical units on the range itself. This was the most important part, but in all about 25 skylights got covered. And now, I have a nasty sunburn and a numb right foot to show for it. Why is my foot numb? Well, I was crouched and sitting on my heels for the lion's share of the day, evidently hyper-extending my ankle pushing my toes toward my shin. So, now the top of my foot all the way to half the height of my shin feels like it was injected with novocaine. Needless to say, Jayden trained then we came straight home.

Interestingly though, Kristin may be offered a job at the dojo a couple days a week. Turns out the admin wants to lower the days she is there to three per week, and she told Michael to ask about Kristin. He just wants to meet her first. Kristin will be coming out on Saturday anyway, so the timing is perfect.

I have to be honest, I haven't given a whole lot of thought to the anthem this week. In fact, as I type this, I still don't know. Give me a sec to find something...

5 minutes later:

Thanks for waiting. So I am going to go with a tune I covered back when I was in high school. This song is unbelievable fun (or so I recall). Please do enjoy this week's anthem, "Got the Time?" by Anthrax.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bass RULES!!! I can see why you enjoyed playing it.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... caps in my last name ruined the joke.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Funny...the ASS part showed up in caps in my email (Comments are automatically forwarded there). The joke was not lost.

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was suppuse to be BadASS GUITAR read B*ASS GUITAR with the *ad to hint the this was one of the FEW songs were the bass is actually decent and not mere filler so the one untalented guy get say he's in the band just to get some ass...Aaron...

hur hur hur

2:01 PM  

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