Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bad choices?

I was messing around online when I came across the trailer for the next Batman movie to be titled "The Dark Knight". The trailer shows you nothing, but leaves you thinking the Joker will be a total bad ass. Then I saw the cast list. Heath Freakin' Ledger is the Joker. After going back to the trailer, I came to the same conclusion - the Joker will be a total bad ass. Once again, Warner Brothers made an interesting decision with their Batman casting. They did, afterall, cast Christian Bale as the protagonist himself, and to my surprise and delight, he was the best Batman ever. So maybe I will enjoy Heath Legder's performance with the same pleasant surprise.

WB did make a potentially fatal move though. The Joker won't be the only big name villian. Aaron Eckhart will grace the silver screen as the schitzo Two Face. I am not sure they remember how bad the Batman movies of the 90's became with this formula of putting too many bad guys in. I also notice that Two Face was in the same movie as The Riddler. Is it just me, or doesn't it seem that the Joker and the Riddler are pretty much the same character?

I dunno...the last movie was so awesome, I would hate to see them screw it up by reverting to the ways that forced them to redo the Batman franchise to begin with.

On to another subject...

About ten and a half years ago, I hurt myself training. In fact, that has a lot to do with why I have just barely gotten back into it. The technique is called "ganseki nage' (lit. "throwing the rock"). It is a throw that I had done about 600 times previously, but for some reason when my instructor at the time demonstrated it on me, I broke my fall with a firm stiff arm to the mat. Ouch.

Tonight after my regular To-Shin Do class, I participated in the Shadows of Iga class. This class focuses on traditional Ninjutsu (save for the bow in). The technique we forcused on was, you guessed it, ganseki nage. It was nice to revisit my old friend. My left arm joint started to throb at the mention of it. It has been a fear of mine to go back and have it performed on me, but I bit the bullet and just did it. It was as invigorating as I remembered it, and even more so since I broke my falls appropriately.



Blogger Mike said...

Batman Begins had both Scarecrow and Ras Al Ghul. Two is fine. More than that and you start getting ridiculous; plus what really threw B&R over the top was trying to introduce a major hero sidekick at the same time.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I recall it was my 'ganseki cock' technique that injuried you all those years ago.

1:23 AM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Bahr - The difference between "Batman Begins" and the other Batman Movies (save for the first) is that there was a good reason Scarecrow and Ras Al Ghul shared the spotlight - Scarecrow was under the employ of Ras Al Ghul. that was written well and made a lot of sense. If they can manage the same in this next one, I will be cool with it. It also does not seem that the Two Face part is very large which leads me to believe the character will take a similar role Venom took in Spiderman 3.

Seppy - Ganseki nage injured my arm. Rock cock (which is what ganseki cock translates to) is what injured my ear.

Props to you on remembering Wednesday!

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn...I was going for 'Throwing the Cock'

On to the less entertaining but more interesting topic of these comments...

Batman Begins was really just the same basic story in Batman redone. Hero's Origin, Badguy ties into Origin and toss in a throwaway love interest. Both the origin Batman and Batman Begins were good. Batman Returns was decent but after that they are total crap. I think a 2 villian movie can be done and be good but time will tell if they can pull it off. Let's just hope they don't copy the same formula from Batman Returns, I really don't need to see Batman and Two-Face swapping spit. Besides the Joker, played my Ms. Ledger, might get jeaolus.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Like I said, they definitely pulled off the two villain idea in the last movie. They made it work once, so...

As for the older Batman movies, the original was great. The Joker was alone, and the focus was on him. Batman Returns was the beginning of crap as far as I was concerned. Sure, the acting was good, but they made a fatal error: two villains with two completely different stories. The audiences attention didn't know where to focus. The Penguin got most of the time, and what there was of Catwoman simply was not necessary. A subplot taking away from the main plot is never a good idea. Then in the movies that followed, the villain stories get convoluted, and the hero stories get irrational what with the throwing of Robin and Batgirl too close together. And what was the deal with Batman? Who knows? I think they felt they needed to develop the "coolness" of Robin. Robin has his place, and I am sure these writers will fit him in, but the older movies just overdid his character too quickly.

3:29 PM  

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