Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Maury Povich would be disinterested

SO I met Kristin's brother on Friday. He is a very nice guy. He and I had enough in common to keep eachother interested, but I am not sure Maury would have any use for his story. Here is the basic rundown:

Kristin has known about him since she was about 12. He knew about her and her Dad since he was about 10. The reason they haven't met sooner? His step father was a bit of a jealous type and he wouldn't allow Luke to meet the biological father. Luke has since taken control of his own life and has made the appropriate efforts to meet the side of his family he has never met.

Not really talk show material, but it is a better situation.

Saturday and Sunday we spent celebrating Jayden's birthday. Jeremy and family came over Saturday, and Kristin's family came out Sunday.

My legs hurt from the Shadows of Iga class (traditional stuff) tonight. A lot of sinking on my knees. I also paid for the Kenjutsu (sword) seminar on the 29th. I am hoping that before or after that I can test for my next rank since I will miss the graduation ceremony the night before. Anyway, I am way excited for the seminar. I have always been pretty good with the sword and I enjoy it immensely. It will be well worth the $30 fee I am sure. Anyway, I am thinking about working toward my sword kihon certification. I will go into more detail about what that is when I have made a concrete decision.

Anyhoo, I am tired and hungry. I have a hankering for some popcorn. Yes. That will do nicely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a hanking for Cherry Coke...guess I'll have to wait till Sunday.

10:42 AM  

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