Sunday, April 29, 2007

Games, music, and hobos

It has been a week and a half since my last post. There is very good reason for this: the semester is coming to a close which means all my crap is due this upcoming week. Then the following week shall yield finals. Not much to report on the school end though.

Kristin and the boys were sick all weekend. It was a doozy for Jayden especially. You know your 5 year old is sick when they are perfect little angels. In that regard, it has been nice. On the other hand, one really has to worry when a child who is normally full of spunk says no more than three words all day. His fever was high Friday and Saturday, but Sunday it broke and he was about 85% his normal, exuberant self.

Saturday night I went to Mike's house to join him, Stephanie (his wife), Christina (Her friend), and John (a mutual friend) to play games. When I arrived, they were playing a male vs female game of Outburst. The ladies were leading, so the guys enlisted me as a reinforcement. We still lost. For some reason, the girls get cards like "American Holidays", and we get cards along the lines of "Women's footwear". Yeah, this happened last time too. The ladies are still the reigning champs in our little circle.

After outburst, we whipped out my game, Boxers or Briefs. If you do not own a copy of this game, you need to get one. As Mike so eloquently put it several months ago, in a party situation, this game is the nuts. This is a game where score is kept, but no one really cares whether or not they win. It is played strictly because it is hysterical. Mike and Christina tied for first, and John got last. John actually enjoyed his loss because the game is so well put together, that even if you lose, you win (from a humor standpoint).

Afterwards, Mike, John and I put our dork hats on and played some Magic. I am a much better Magic deck builder than I am a Star Wars deck builder. I didn't win much, but I built a great deck for what I had available.

On the Star Wars note, I am not sure if I mentioned this, but I have given the game up. Mike pretty much has too. He is selling all of our cards. Our lives are too busy to invest the HOURS it takes to build and test the decks. Screw it. This is sad because I do love the Star Wars theme very much.

And on I go to band. We actually met and played with Anthony and Jon. There seemed to be some chemistry to work with. At least to have another go in the practice room. Anthony is a fantastic riff writer. And Jon...well...let's just say that it felt so good to be playing with an actual drummer, I had to change my pants...twice. Now, we were all a hair rusty. Jon and Anthony had only practiced together a handfull of times and before that spent years out of the band world. Mike, Jeff and I were also a little rusty because we had not played...especially in a full band a very long time. We shall see what happens.

Oh, and great news on the summer concert front. Dream Theater will be in town 2, count 'em 2 days before Rush. My friend Mike from Maryland may be flying out at that time to see the shows with me. He is also coming to check Az out as a place to live. I figure that since he has been here once in January and once in October, it was high time to introduce him to our high temperatures. especially if he is thinking of moving here. The timing of his visit is tentative, and I should find out later in the week.

Another friend of mine from Maryland had a traumatic encounter this week. My buddy Martin was driving to pick his girlfriend up from work when some drunk homeless guy made his way into the street and in Martin's way. Unfortunately, Martin hit him. He was absolved of any fault by way of eyewitnesses and his own police testimony, but I can't imagine what that must have been like. It is a good thing he wasn't speeding (they figured that based on how far the wino "flew"). The guy did not die, but was rushed to the hospital. For all I know, he is still there. My thoughts go out to Martin tonight.

Ok, so that was the last week and a half. I will post more often once things at school settle.


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