Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So close

Well, the past week has been a roller coaster for the band. I came a cross an add Tuesday of last week of a guitar player and drummer looking for bass, vocals and a second guitar. Mike Jeff and I are just that. Add to that the fact that a drummer and second guitar is exactly what we needed, it seemed too good to be true. So I contacted the guitar player, Rob and we set a time to get together and meet. We met last Friday night at Four Peaks (a local restaraunt/microbrewery) with all concerned parties save for the drummer as he had to work. There seemed to be great repoire amongst the four of us, and we decided to give it a go. We scheduled our first Jam for this past Monday night.

Afterward, Jeff and Rob went to Jeff's house to jam a little bit before going to check a local band out. Jeff showed Rob Shinespark no doubt, and in so doing, introduced Rob to the 7-string guitar. Jeff told me the following day that Rob really liked the 7-string and had fun jamming.

Sunday night, I got an email from Rob saying that he and the drummer, Joe, had discussed things and decided not to proceed with us. He gave the following two reasons:

1. They decided the 7-string guitar style was not their thing.

2. Mike had dropped the Dream Theater bomb when explaining our writing style. And while Rob likes and respects Dream Theater, he fings them to be too technical for his playing.

My reactions to his reasoning were as folllows:

1: A 7-string guitar is an instrument, not a style. The song Jeff showed him is more or less straight metal, which is pretty much what Rob had shown us on his demos. The only fifference is that Shinespark is a bit faster. But no more complicated.

2. Yes, Mike did mention Dream Theater. But the reason I think he did is because when the term "prog rock" comes to mind, Dream Theater is naturally the first band one thinks of. That is, of course, for those who know what prog rock is. Mike admittedly doesn't write, or have the intention to write crazy technical pieces, but rather wanted to drive the point through that we are very influenced by progressive music, and our writing reflects it. Hell, I have been compared to Geddy Lee of Rush on more than one occasion...just a case of where my progressive leanings and influence come through. No, I don't try to sound like anything or anyone, but I guess it is just how I write.

All in all, I am glad they called it off because the progressive thing would have created an issue in the future. I also have no regrets in pursuing things with Rob and Joe because in the end, it was a solid lead I would have been remiss in passing up. So we are back to drummer and guitar looking.

In a change of subject, this weekend, I will be attending a Magic pre-release event with Mike. I am starting to understand the appeal of Magic. At this point it is a matter of moving money around. Because unlike the Star Wars events I have attended, there is an entrance fee for Magic. Mostly because I will be receiving product before it is available to the public. I am not even sure how much it will cost either. The following Saturday is a Star Wars tournament. I am not sure if Kristin will allow me to go to that. I suppose that if Magic turns out to be a no-go, then Star Wars is on.


Blogger Mike said...

I have you covered on the entry fee.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

I appreciate that, Mike. I was just reminded today via mail that I owe school $300 by May 3rd to pay for my summer class. Plus the $40 for Rush and then whatever Dream Theater will be.

10:35 PM  

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