Sunday, April 01, 2007

Stike first, stike hard, no mercy sir!

Yup, that is exactly how I needed to play cards at the tournament. I didn't do so well. I lost both games by a considerable margin. Four games were scheduled, but due to a concert Mike was to attend later in the evening, we had to bust out after the third round. I had a bye on the second round.

The good thing is that I learned quite a bit about how my decks would fare against decks created by seasoned veterans with a decade of more experience than I have. Plus, it is always fun to road trip out to Eloy with Mike. We started the morning with the mandatory run to McDonalds to pick up a couple "sodium bombs" as Mike calls them (aka Sausage and Egg McMuffin w/ Cheese) and then we head off to Eloy. We broke for lunch and went to this little burger place called Encore. We went there last time, and it was instantly determined to be the lunch spot for all forthcoming tournaments. Lunch gratification is two fold: at noon it serves to satisfy any hunger with amazing (for the price) food, and then again at about 8 pm with a most impressive colon cleansing. Very satisfying.

Today I studied...a lot. Then Kristin (my wife) and I watched a movie after the boys went to bed as per our Sunday night tradition. We say Fearless. The movie was alright. Just another Hong Kong movie with all of the same elements of every other Hong Kong movie. But I dig that stuff, so I was amused all the way through.

This week: nothing really exciting. I have at least two exams at school, and work as usual. If anything of personal interest comes up, I shall post it.


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