Monday, March 26, 2007

Let's see if this works...

Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Aaron Ketterer, and I live in Mesa, Arizona. This blog is more or less going to touch on many subjects that interest me such as pharmacy (it is my major), ancient history, Star Wars, politics, music, the days of yore, and anything else that comes to mind.

There will also be a considerable amount of Arizona related topics with the intention of proving that my state is better than yours. My family and friends are very important to me.

Solid debate is always encouraged. I was designated a master debater in high school, afterall. However, I will delete comments that are designed as a personal shot at me, or anyone who comments.

The latter paragraph may not be too relevant anyway, if my experience with this site is any indicator.

Now that that is all out of the way, my band is currently looking for a drummer. That drummer must be able and willing to play some progressive styles when it is necessary. We are certainly a hard rock band. We span from more alternative sounds to straight up metal. If you or anyone you know plays drums, have them hit me up.

This is my post for this evening. I will try and post some more interesting post tomorrow.


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