Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Listen to the corn grow...

So in my chemistry lecture class today, my teacher taught us about what life on the farm in Iowa is like. This is a common subject of discussion (a one-sided discussion). We learned that the precocious were likened unto mutant lepers. We also learned that on a still night, one could literally hear corn grow (I looked it up, it is true). You know what we didn't learn? Chemistry. She did mention the subject I paid to learn once though. At the end of class. Something along the lines of:

"Oh, I almost forgot. You have an exam on Monday."

Eh? Most of the time, a major exam is not mentioned on the last class of the week. It is on gas laws and thermochemistry. I have two problems with this:

1. Gas Laws - I am very comfortable, but we just barely took a rather hefty exam that covered this. I turned it in on Monday. Seems a bit redundant.

2. Thermochemistry - Unless one of the questions makes reference to Iowan farm life, I am screwed. To learn the most complicated aspect of chemistry in 5 days would be a miracle.

After class, the concensus was that we would lobby for a Wednesday class using the whole "you never taught us thermochemistry" thing as leverage. Hopefully it works.

Nothing else really happened today. My other classes went well, and work was great. Tomorrow I start work at my home store. At this point, I am officially solo.


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