Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My fingers hurt...

Tonight, Jeff and I got together as we try to do once a week to write material for our band. Mike came out, but didn't play anything - just observed. I was actually thinking he would be playing guitar 2 when I saw his car out front as I arrived. This was not to be.

For those who are not musicians or have never been in a band, the only thing more excruciating than recording music is the process of writing it. That being said, once a breakthrough is made, the gratification outweighs the tribulation 100 fold. Tonight, Jeff and I accomplished just that. Without a drummer no less. Taking two riffs I wrote from pre-existing now defunct songs and a more recent run Jeff wrote, the first three parts are together. Granted, it will need fine tuning, but the skeleton is there. All we need to add is one or two more parts, and we will have a whole song. This may or may not have to wait until we have acquired a drummer. Once we do have one, the songs will flow like wine from the practice room as this is where the heart and soul of the bands music is created.

There are also songs that individuals are putting together. Jeff has one called Luna, and Mike is working on a 25 minute epic called "The Oblivion Path", which seems to have a lot of potential. He is also working on a couple other songs which have yet to pass the test of willingness to play by both Jeff and myself.

We also have some songs that Jeff and Mike played while in another band. The ones we are keeping for sure are "Shinespark" and "Blue Instant". While at the same time, there are songs that have not passed the willingness to play test such as "Kelso". But not all can be gems.

Anyway, the intensity of my playing tonight as I was getting pumped up over the aforementioned breakthrough has caused my fingertips to hurt immensely. The pain is worth the reward.

In other news, I finish my pharmacy tech training tomorrow and I will start at my home store on Thursday. I am excited. The next step will be to become certified - another nice mark on my Pharmacy school application. God willing, I will be applying in January and starting September 2008. If I do, then I will get to stay here in Az indefinitely...which would rule.


Blogger Mike said...

Don't forget that the "test of willingness to play" applies on my part to your songs as well. I think you and Jeff will be a little less aggressive with the discard knife when you've seen it held to your own creations.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

I am aware you have equal say, and I appologize if I came across as otherwise. I was merely referring to the in the works songs. So far, I have only discarded the one song. If Jeff decides he wants to do it afterall, then the song is reinstated by virtue of majority rule. I am actually down with all of the other songs you have presented so far.

Regardless, once we start practicing with a drummer and are a whole band, there will be very little in the way of discard as when songs are written and come to completion, it will be a 4-way endeavor.

11:48 PM  

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