Sunday, April 08, 2007

Much Needed Rest

The preceeding week was the most physically and mentally exhausting week since I can remember. All week, I was feeling tired, sick, and I had extreme pain all over my body. It sucked.

This weekend, I finally got some decent sleep. That coupled with no errands to do (except get my snake some food), I did a whole lot of lying around.

Saturday, Jeremy (my brother) and his family came over to celebrate Easter. We haven't seen eachother in about a month, so it was a very welcome event. Jennifer (Jeremy's wife) made some chicken pot pies from scratch, while Kristin was baking a cake for Sunday night's dinner with her parents. I made the rather astute observation that life is never better when the men can sit on the couch drinking sodas and joking around, while the women slave over a stove to feed said men. Everything seemed to be the way it should be. :-)

I kid of course. I just hope we don't go a month again without seeing eachother. I miss getting to see my brother as regularly as I once did, and I definitely miss my nephew (Derrick) and niece (Hailey). Speaking of Hailey, I made some headway with her. She let me hold her without freaking out. This is good because she is a ball of cute and it is rather hard to not be able to hold her.

Sunday started with a hefty load of schoolwork. I unfortunately had to miss church because of it. Afterward, I got to watch the conclusion to the Discovery Channel's exclusive documentary on the newest tomb to be discovered in Egypt, KV63. The first part aired months ago. As I initially suspected, the concensus is that the tomb may have belonged not to King Tutankhamen's wife, Ankhsenamen, but rather his mother, Kiya. I am quite good at predicting stuff like this. If I had it my way, I would be an Egyptologist for a living, not a future Pharmacist. But very few people make decent money it in Egyptology, and well, I have a family to feed. But I would be lying if I said all this didn't break my heart a little.

Anyway, in the evening, We went to Kristin's mother's house for Easter dinner. Kristin's dad was in town, and it looks like he has gotten a job here locally that he can start in about two weeks. This is great news. A husband and wife should never live separately, and they have been doing so for about six weeks now. Currently, he lives in St Louis. Jayden and Joshua did an egg hunt and really made out on the candy. Grandma and Grandpa once again spoiled them. Good times.

The night will end with Kristin and I watching a movie, then I get to do it all over again next week. Here's hoping I can deal with my newfound demand on entropy a little better.


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