Friday, August 15, 2008

Star Wars Sans Lucas = \m/

I took one of the children today to see the Clone Wars movie. I knew walking into it that the only influence George Lucas has was the green light to make it. Otherwise, he had no creative influence. Based on episodes 1-3 and the latest Indiana Jones movie, I thought this was probably a good idea. How good an idea it was manifest itself in the most fun Star Wars experience since Return of the Jedi. This movie is apparently the first episode of the forthcoming television series. So the main plot of the movie makes a little more sense if you know this going in.

Anyway, I recommend this movie. The next movie I would like to see is Tropic Thunder. A small group of liberals are boycotting this movie (it uses the word "retard" hoo). Because of that, this movie will get my money.

So, is metal your religion? If so, it is time to go to church. This week's anthem is "Badlands" by Metal Church:


Blogger Steph! said...

Fry's Grocery store had a copy of Shark Week on DVD...

Just thought you might want to know

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole week? I will have to look for that. I would buy it at Fry's, but since they are unionized, I refuse to shop there.

I am sure Best Buy online may have it. I will have to look into that. Aaron likey shark week!!!

2:17 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Have you seen the employees at Fry's lately? I'm not sure I'd worry about whether those mouth-breathers have a union or not.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no issue with the employees. I have an issue with unions. I won't fund them if I can avoid it. Target and Wal-Mart sell the same (and more) food without unionizing, so I patronize them. Their employees are mouth-breathers too.

10:47 AM  

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