Thursday, March 20, 2008

What the frick?

I have a gigantic zit on my forehead and it hurts like the dickens. I never get zits. Kristin pointed out as much in her surprise that I actually have one. I threw some of her Proactiv crap on it, so here's hoping it works.

Well, good things are on the horizon for old Aaron, both present and future. The barbecue was a huge success thanks in no small part to Mike and his Rock Band game. I have been hearing about it since, and I have been asked when the sequel to the event might be. I have decided to throw another cookout/game night together on May 24th, the Saturday before Memorial Day. The presence of Rock band will depend solely on whether or not Mike is free. Or if someone else I invite has the game. At any rate, Kristin actually got some social interaction which was a sizeable part of the overall purpose of hosting the get together.

So that is one forthcoming event. Other items coming up include my brother, Marc's wedding on April 11th. The one nice thing about having family in Orlando is that it gives extra incentive to hit Disney World (which we will be doing), so that will be good times. It will be nice to be with the whole family again. Last time we were all together at the same place and time was for the few days surrounding my Grandfather's funeral. This will be a more joyous occasion to be sure.

In nine weeks from yesterday (as Mike Seppy pointed out on my last post), I will have my home graced by the aforementioned person indicated in the parenteses. He is considering a move out here. In fact, he is calling this visit a "sales pitch". For those of us in Arizona that have lived in or at least been to the DC area (or the Midatlantic anyway) can testify that such a move is advisable. If for no other reason that the girls are undeniably hot and they have no issues dating men in a league well below their own. This matters little to me now, but Mike is single. So the sale should be easy to make. Anyway, the reason for the timing of his visit is to go to the Iron Maiden concert on Memorial Day. He also gets a chance to experience the heat here (and realize it isn't all that bad). He has been out here in January and October, so the weather has always been awesome in his experience.

Great concerts are forthcoming as well. Rush is on May 1st, and then Iron Maiden (as mentioned) on May 26th. Good times.

Mike (Bahr) and I continue to make headway on our musical project. Expect us playing shows by (at the latest) sometime in May.

The next couple months look pretty strong for me. The only downside is the unreasonable amount of writing I have to do for my classes. I will have written over thirty pages of single-space material by the end of this session (which lasts eight weeks). Knowing my loquaciousness, I am sure I will write much more than that. Add to that the discussion questions that sometimes require a dissertation to answer. Such is the lot of the online student I suppose. Don't let anyone tell you online is easier. The expectations and workload are much higher. The only benefit is doing the work around one's schedule.

Okay, so let's get some music up here. This week's was actually inspired by another band (Queensryche). Before Sting wrote absolute crap, he wrote great stuff alongside two other men that though not flashy musicians, cowrote some of the most memorable and timeless rock songs ever. It is actually quite hard to find a person who doesn't like them. I of course speak of The Police. One of the great iconic songs from the 1980's is "Synchronicity II". The Police had so many great songs, but this is by far the best. In fact, I like it as much as I like any Rush, Iron Maiden, or Dream Theater song.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senor Whalechoker, what is a good time to call you? Got an idea I was wondering if you'd be interested in.

~Marty Gras

2:17 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

You can call me anytime. We have a 3-hour time difference right now, so just don't call me too early. I would say anytime after 11am your time.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

6am...DO IT!!!

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, 6 am our time or his time?

8:11 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

He can try to call early if he wishes. However, the joke would be on him since I turn my ringer off untill I am good and ready to take calls.

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8 weeks till the bullet hits the bone.

12:04 PM  

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