Monday, October 01, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance

As I suspected, my graduation demo took place tonight after class. I am now a Ju Yon Kyu (14th degree below black belt). The belt color: yellow. I was asked to start with some rolls, then I went into some strikes. After that Paul, one of the better Uke (loosely translated: reciever) at the dojo was asked to attack me with several different techniques that I was to counter. I guess things got a little heated because apparently I may have bruised his arm something fierce. Oops. He came at me strong, and I retaliated in equal measure.

So yay me! Now I look to advance to the next level, a yellow belt with a solid black stripe running through the center. One day, I will post the belt structure and its meaning. What is nice is that the belts do have meaning beyond simple rank level.

Anyway, it is bed time. May I sleep well and wake up refreshed!


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