Monday, July 30, 2007

Oh glorious Shark Week!!!

Shark Week on Discovery Channel began yesterday with some repeats of shark attack shows and the obligatory (and absolutely necessary) documentaries of white sharks gracefully leaping fifteen feet into the air as they destroy the bodies of delicious seals and albatrosses. My two year old, Josh, is really into it too. He has been watching the shows with me over the past couple days keeping his shark book and shark toys near him so he can look them up/hold them as he sees the various animals on the tv. He is so freakin' adorable, it is unbelievable. His favorite shark - by far - is the hammerhead. Although he has been requesting the whale shark quite a bit. Since they pose no threat whatsoever to humans, and therefore not very enthralling, they are usually bypassed during Shark Week. I look forward to the rest of the week.

Tonight, I got a semi-promotion at my Ninjutsu class. I got my first (of two) black stripe at the end of class. I was expecting it this week, but not until Thursday night. We started a new block of techniques for the next month as well. We have moved from earth (solidarity) to water (fluidity). This month should be good times.

Well, I just found out there is a Chevy Chase marathon on AMC, so I am gonna get going. So calls. tee hee

Meanwhile, enjoy what could very well be the manliest display ever documented:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 years old and loves Sharks? I think it's times for JAWS!!!

10:18 AM  

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