Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Liberals can cup my two peaches

Here is a rhetorical question for you:

Why is it that every time a white person is engaged in a conversation with a black person they have to speak as though they themselves are black?

I was flipping through radio stations on my way home from training tonight and I happened upon a conversation between a white DJ and a black man. The DJ was spouting out terms like "raisin' da roof" and "Givin mahself props" and so on. That DJ: the horrific Delila. During the holidays, I almost exclusively listen to the station that plays the non-stop holiday music (the same station she is played on), so I get a solid month of exposure to Delila during that time. Never have I heard her say anything remotely ebonic.

I was watching a movie last week - a horrible movie that shall remain nameless because I will never hear the end to it for having seen - and I noticed the same thing. A white girl was thrust outside her comfort zone into a predominantly black school. At first, and to the writer's credit, the movie was steeped in the racisim that some black people show toward whites. Then something happened: the white girl started acting blacker and blacker. Then she was ai'aight. She even corn rowed her hair for the last scene of the movie. Her former classmates were then villainized for thinking her transformation didn't become her. I guess I can understand. God forbid the white girl maintain her "whiteness". That would be racist.

White liberal guilt is such a plague. According to this philosophy, people are not allowed to be who they are. They must conform to the will of the collective. That will being when around the minority's majority (blacks and hispanics) one must take on the personality traits that the liberal media has kindly stereotyped for us - by behaving in a fashion that can only be defined as tribal and base. I have met more minorities who do not act as the stereotype than ones that do. This is considering that I lived in the Washington, DC area.

Anyway...on a more positive note, the countdown is on. T-minus 7 days until I am sitting in the Dodge Theatre with my buddies absorbing the experience that is Dream Theater. Two days later, we will be absorbing the experience that is Rush at the Cricket Pavilion. By this time, Mike should have been granted acceptance to the Arizona state bar, so it will be a special time of celebration for us all.

Even though I won't be in Tucson with you, Mike...I am pulling for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you watched Save the Last Dance didn't you...

Oh, and I know your wife doesn't do the whole chick flick thing (I remember Patch Adams), which means you watched it for YOU!!!

3:02 PM  
Blogger Aaron \m/ said...

Actually, it was not Save the Last dance, nor its sequel. The movie I saw is far more embarassing. Sadly, I did see it for me. It was on, and I never turned it off. I felt dirty, and I tool a cold shower afterwards.

For the record...Kristin watches Lifetime movies which are about as chick as a flick can get. She just didn't care for Patch Adams.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...worse then Save the Last must have been a movie by Uwe Boll...

8:26 PM  

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