Monday, May 21, 2007

Much needed rest

Though this weekend was quite busy, I found myself waking up this morning surprisingly refreshed. A refreshment I very much needed after some of the trials of the preceeding week. Nothing major, just a series of several small trials that don't really merit discussion. But my weekend activities least for me.

After work on Friday, I joined Mike for an evening of dorkery at Gamer's Inn for their weekly Friday Night Magic tournaments. I did not pay the $5 buy-in as my intention was merely to observe and have some random friendly matches with whomever was available to do so. Afterwards, Mike and I came back to my place and played some games of our own. Just like in our Star Wars card days, Mike and I played a game that, no joke, lasted the better part of an hour and a half. Most games last 15 minutes or so. It was quite funny.

Saturday, Jeremy and his family came over to celebrate Derrick's 11th birthday. I bought a grill the day before, so we barbecued and engaged in recreational swimming in the poool my townhouse overlooks. Jennifer made a chocolate cake by Derrick's request. As I suspected, Derrick wanted nothing to do with the cake once it was served. Why? Because Derrick doesn't like cake. He doesn't like a whole lot of sweet foods. I think it is downright un-American. Anyway, I saw the same look in his mother's eyes as I had seen in Kristin's in the preceeding years: that "Why the Hell did you ask for this cake when you won't eat it?" look. Jennifer joked that next year, she will just make him cornbread instead. Ironically, Derrick was all excited about that. So next year, we will all be sharing his birthday cornbread.

On Sunday, I made a delicious Greek feast of chicken souvlaki and Greek salad. Using the souvlaki marinade, I sauteed a mixture of sliced red onion, green pepper, and roma tomatoes. We also had Tzatziki sauce (a cucumber-based condiment) for dippin'. All of it on top of rice pilaf, and some pita bread on the side for grabbin'. Souvlaki is a figer food afterall. Kristin made a peach cobbler that was, as usual when she bakes, outstanding. Since I never cook in moderation when I do get off my lazy butt to cook, we invited the in-laws out to help us eat the food.

After they left, Kristin and I settled down to watch our traditional movie. Last night's was "Deja Vu". The movie was entertaining, but I am glad I didn't pay to see it in the theaters. Next week, we hope to watch Apocalypto. My hopes aren't too high because it comes out on Tuesday and will likely not stay on the shelves at blockbuster for very long. That is sometimes a drag. I do have to say that this Blockbuster Total Access thing is really more than paying for itself.

The last bit of fun I had last night was after the movie, I turned on the computer and found out another tomb was discovered in Egypt. Well, they announced it anyway. Likely, it was discovered one or two years ago. Usually, when something is discovered, the ESCA (Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities) needs to be notified. Afterwards, there is an inspection, and then security protocols are initiated, and then, finally a press conference is permitted. I guess when your country has been victimized by treasure hunters for a few centuries, you take things slow when the words "intact" and "tomb" are in the same sentence together.

The tomb was of a courtier living in Middle Egypt around the modern town of Minya. This is a relatively uncharted (Egyptologically speaking) area of the country, and the best area for new finds. Unfortunately, the politics of the area keep it slow moving for new discoveries. Let's just say that middle Egyptians are not the warm folks their counterparts in Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, or Sharm El Sheikh are. At any rate, the finding was of First Intermediate Period date, and contained the sealed coffin (mummy inside), and some wood figurines depicting daily life in the area. This is a common find in that part of Egypt.

Anyway, this week may be the week Kristin pops. She is already 2 cm dilated and her contractions are getting more and more frequent. This would work out well for me if she does have the baby this week because I start school next Tuesday, and I really don't want to have to miss any school if I can avoid it.


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