Monday, February 09, 2009

Death To All But \m/

Before I begin, I would like to say to all you Obama lovers that I told you so. I understand you all love the cult of personality that singularly defines him rather than the man himself (you must - he hasn't actually done anything substantive in his political life, afterall), and I am glad you had your fun. You gave him what he wanted more than anything: power. Before I say more, I would like to point out that I haven't said word one about the guy since he took office because I wanted to see what he would do. Tonight, he explained to the public on prime time television how he is going to destroy our economy. I sincerely hope this "stimulus" thing does not pass a senate vote. He wants to spend all these hundreds of billions of dollars to create jobs. Ok...where is that money coming from? It can't come from the taxpayer...that money has been spent by our last administration in a wave of mismanagement and a different series of bailouts and stimuli. This money is obviously coming from nowhere. Near as I can tell, this money will come from nowhere and guess who gets to pick up the tab? Us. All of us. After everyone has jobs (if they have jobs), we will all have our taxes raised to pay for it. One thing to always remember is that Democrats believe 100% of the money you make is theirs. They just let you keep some of it.

Republicans are not much better. They believe that your money is yours, but you should let the government keep some of it. Too much of it if you ask me.

I can also say that the president is a bald-faced liar. He said there was no pork in his "stimulus" bill. Hmmm. Well, I suppose that when some of your allocations (in the $100's of millions) go to create a total of three (3) jobs, that can't possibly be pork. I mean, you can't put a price on someone being able to work and provide for their family, right? Lie number two came when he said that most of the money would be going to the private sector. He then went on to quantify that by including road, bridge, and levee construction/repair. There are a couple things wrong with his assessment. First off, when the government subsidises a private industry, said industry is no longer private. Public money makes it said company public. Secondly (and really to piggy-back on the last point) if you are a contractor doing work for the government on behalf of a "private" company for the government, you are essentially an employee (slave if you ask me) of the government.

Anyway, after tonight, I know my "Buck Farack" t-shirt line should sell well. I need to patent the line, methinks. A lot of people are pissed. Good job, Mr. President! You managed to screw up even quicker than Bush did. Less than a month must be some kind of record!

Moving on to other subjects, I finally watched the Rainn Wilson movie, "The Rocker". I have miced feelings about the movie. On one hand, it was about never being too old to live out the rock star fantasy, but on the other hand, it tried to make being in a ghey emo(ish) band cool. It is worth checking out. Jason Sudeikis' character was classic. The movie did make me really miss the bygone days where it was okay to write songs about whatever (love, having fun, being the second person in your family being named "Way Cool"). Nowadays, rock music almost has to be made about cutting (ie ADD from the movie) or some depressing crap like that to be marketable.

Then, hope in music is restored...

Every now and again I stumble upon a rock and/or roll gem. Tonight as I was driving home, I actually wondered what was on the radio. In a surprise that just about caused an accident, KUPD had a band called Steel Panther. They are relatively new. I believe they used to go by the name "Metal Skool". Before I post this video (which is not the song "Death to all but Metal". Look it up for yourself.), I would like to say that his band is a comedy act, but they do clearly love the genre they play. Their subject matter is about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Well, not the drugs so much. And only sometimes rock and roll. Hmm. I will let you decide. This week's tune (not for people who are not comfortable with adult language) is called "Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)". It is clearly influenced by Whitesnake. Enjoy it!


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