Thursday, October 16, 2008

Read Mike's Blog!

Edit - I notice Mike has posted recently. The post to which this post is referring is entitled, "Never-Ending Politics". Read any of his posts you want, but definitely read the aforementioned.

I have on more than a few occasions made reference to Mike's blog I have linked at right (again, "Bahr's House of Exuberance"). I "feel" (hugs and kisses right back at ya, Mike!) his point is worth reading. I would like to go on record as saying I agree 100% with him and the quotes he provided in the latter part of his post. The more I think about it, the more I believe I may just be an Objectivist. If this is the case, it is because Objectivism may just line up entirely with my inate political leanings.

Though I am a registered Republican (you need to be registered as something to vote in the primaries here in AZ), I don't really subscribe to much of what the GOP believes anymore. Much of the party has gone "neo-Con" which is just another way of saying "centrist who leans just slightly to the right". I am a hard-core fiscal and Constitutional conservative. I tend to vote Republican because they almost always have a less socialized view in these departments (though there are some Democraps that slip through the cracks). I believe that my money is my money. I do believe the government has a role (specifically in the military department) and that tax is necessary. I am even happy to pay them, so long as they are not being misused and I am not being gutted for everything I have.

Anyway, I just noticed that the entire first paragraph was somehow deleted from my last post. I am not sure how this happened, but I think that when I added the pictures, something went awry. Anyway, the whole post would have made more sense. Because that paragraph took me a while to write, I won't go back and try to rewrite it. But it had numbers and allocations. If you are interested, I suggest doing the research and then read my post again. It makes a lot more sense that way.

Enough national politics. Let's move on to the social political game I hope I am too low ranking to be affected by. Actually, let's not say anything about the politics until I see them for myself. Tomorrow, I head off to Dayton as I have mentioned several times. I have been honored by my two instructors as they have asked me to participate in their demos Saturday night. This is especially special because they have chosen me to be their uke in front of all the senior practitioners including one Stephen Hayes (website linked at right). I have to admit, I am a little nervous. Not only are they putting on a show, but so amIwith my receiving skills. Not to mention that this will all be done on what may as well be concrete, wich wouldn't be a problem except that I find myself thrust to the ground more than thrice. I look forward to it though. Anyway, I am feeling pretty good about myself right about now. I know part of the reason I am involved is because of my superior size to these gentlemen, but I also know I would not have been asked hadthey thought I couldn't handle it. So yay, me!

I will leave you with some music. How does Gwar grab you? The song is "Jack the World"


Blogger Mike said...

Dude, GWAR is here on Nov. 25th.

11:41 PM  

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