Sunday, January 18, 2009

You Owe Me a Coke, Seppy

On the evening of the Superbowl last year, Mike (Bahr) posted his lamentation that he was denied the opportunity to see something he has never seen before when the Patriots couldn't muster enough talent to acheive a completely undefeated season. This year, Mike can make no such lamentation. The world will now see the Arizona Cardinals represent the NFC in Superbowl XLIII (43) on February 1st. Heck, Mike may even see two things he has never seen if the Cardinals go on to win the Superbowl. This doesn't seem likely since it appears the Steelers will win the game. The Ravens were the Cardinals' best shot at a victory. However, if the postseason has taught us anything, one can never write the Cards off. To that end, I will think positively.

As for the Eagles - they played a great second half. They reminded the Cardinals that they do not walk on water. Unfortunately for them, it was too little effort too late. I do have to hand it to Andy Reid, Donovan McNabb, and Brian Westbrook. Those guys lose with dignity and honor. They are class acts, and I respect that. In fact, I have always been a fan of theirs. I hope the pricks that call themselves Eagles fans realize what they have. Philidelphia fans (save for Mike who recognizes the problem) tend to lose their loyalty when their team loses. Well, losing in the NFC (or AFC) championship still equals a great season.

Mike - I look forward to my Coke. Too bad you won't be out here to watch the game. Though we were friendly rivals today, I know we will be rooting for the same team in two weeks.


Blogger Unknown said...

See my comment from your previous post regarding the Coke.

As for the Superbowl, I just want to see the Steelers lose. The whole reason I like the Cardinals is I had Boldin on my Fantasy team. But your team doesn't value him. Fitz is OVERRATED, Boldin is the MAN.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Fitz is overrated? What are you smoking, man? This entire playoffs has been the Larry Fitzgerald Glory Hour. He has been playing like a men among boys. He broke Jerry Rice's records for receiving yards and touchdowns in a postseason. And in one-and-a-half games, he did it without Boldin on the field drawing away coverage. What more could the man possibly do, other than feeding 5000 with 4 loaves and 2 baskets of fish?

As for Boldin, he blew up at Haley on the sideline during the critical drive and bolted out the back door instead of partying with the team after the game. He has become just like Plax, TO, and all the others. The Cards will trade him for an impact running back or high draft picks in the offseason. The Bears, Cowboys, or Redskins will pay top dollar for Boldin's services.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Boldin was made into the next Plax.O by the Cards treatment of him.

Had he been healthy all season he would have had more yards and TD then Fitz. (Which is why I drafted him above Fitz)

Also I doubt the Cowboys will pay big for him. They just offered up their first born for Williams.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the Cowboys won't go the Boldin route.

Larry Fitzgerald is anything but overrated. Mike has already made the point, so I won't expand.

The Cardinals are not the cause of Boldin's woes. He wants to be THE superstar. He is not happy being one of the superstars. Moreover, he won't get the contract he wants. You can thank Steve Breaston for that. Boldin is an exceptional receiver. He knows it. He let it get to his head.

I actually see Boldin playing for the Skins.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

The Cowboys paid big for Williams but they will get rid of TO, and Crayton is not consistent enough to get to the top tier. They might not end up with Boldin, but they have to be considered suitors for him.

3:33 PM  

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