Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Clinch? A Cinch!

Praise be to the Arizona Cardinals! Today, they handedly defeated the St. Louis Rams to claim number one in the NFC West division. The Cards can go ahead and lose both of their next three games and all of their division rivals can win their next three games and it wouldn't matter. This is a special day for AZ football fans. With Kurt Warner being a former Ram and the Cardinals once hailing from St Louis, today's clinch was all the more special. Here's to their victory in the playoffs (I am hoping they get at least one)!

In other news, Mike's now a published (his work with the state aside) writer. Last night, I went over to his house for Steph's 26th birthday party. Mike put a book in my hands asking, "so Whaddya think?" It took me a second to realize what it was. The author's name was not his. I will not post the pen name here for the reasons Mike outlines on his blog (linked at right). I won't get into too much of what the book is about other than it has to do with Magic cards. This is a non-fiction reference book. He even mentioned me in the acknoweldgements, which I think is pretty cool. At any rate, please join me in a heartfelt congratulations and a hearty slap on the behind for Mike!

The rest of the night last night was mostly eating and playing Rock Band 2.

My Christmas party will be held on the 13th - next Saturday. It is sure to be a wing-dinger of a box social as most of my invites said they would be able to make it.

Oh, I should also mention that root canals are not at all painful before, during, or after the procedure. Once again, TV has lied to us. I get my temporary crown on Wednesday, and then my permanent the day or two before Christmas (with any luck).

More stream of conciousness...I was talking to Jeff last night and he advised me that the TSO concert here on the west coast also featured a Savatage tune. In fact, it was one I posted as an anthem some time ago. The song was "Hall of the Mountain King". So now I am a little depressed I didn't get to see them this year.

Since I am talking about music, I may as well put a song up here. There was a time when Def Leppard was very much as metal as any metal band of their time. So let's go there. You may notice the drummer has all limbs accounted for. This song is one of those tunes you want to be driving on an unpoliced Indian Reservation (as most are) because you will speed. Do enjoy "Rock, Rock Till You Drop".


Blogger Steph! said...

Thanks Aaron. Thanks so much.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was going to call you to ask WTF your Cards were doing after that Patriots game...then I watched my Eagles and I decided not too...

This season is NUTS though, so many good games this late in the year. Did you see the Panthers/Giants game? Great. Titans/Steelers? Damn.

Looks like we might have a chance for the Falcons/Dolphins Superbowl!!! Ok, a very small chance but a chance none the less.

1:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


So you finally going to burn that hat?

9:48 AM  

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