Thursday, June 07, 2007

Settling in

As was the case with my boys, Kristin and I are now starting to settle in with our family's newest addition. It seems to be easier each time. I chalk this time up to the help the boys have been giving us. Granted, they are too young to cook or clean, but they are not arguing as much, so a lot of potential stress is avoided. The only lingering affect that Kristin and I are still trying to get over (more her than me) is this blithering sleepiness. Luckily, Jenna is pretty easy to keep quiet at night. Kristin figured her out quickly. By Monday, we should be back to our normal sleep schedule.

I intend to post pictures soon. I am not sure how to do that on this site though. I will have to seek out Mike's assistance on that.

Speaking of Mike (subject change), he posted a comment on my last post that I agree with 100%. I will comment on that shortly as I want to break down my feelings on the new DT album song for song now that I have listened to it a few times:

1. In the Presence of Enemies Part 1 - Starts off great. The whole instrumental thing that leads the song off for the first several minutes rules in a classic DT way. Then the vocals enter the equation. And so begins the lame lyrics and equally lame vocal lines. I am not a big fan with how this song is sung.

2. Forsaken - One mono-syllabic expression says it all: meh

3. Constant Motion - This is the "single" track from the album. This is the tune the record label allowed as a free download. I stand by my original assessment in that this is a good song. The vocals are done very well, the lyrics aren't hateful, and the music is in keeping with the normal DT format. The one thing that stands out is the angry, aggressive vocals James LaBrie lays down. He is definitely a metal singer when he needs to be. Kudos.

4. The Dark Eternal Night - Anyone who plays the videos I post will have heard this song as a promotional video was posted on Sunday. This song has everything one would want from the band. Only thing is that an ending to the song was obviously never established because it fades out at the end. I expect better from DT. For a second, I thought I was listening to a Whitesnake album. This is not the last time this problem will manifest.

5. Repentence - Yeah, I will be ok if I never hear it again. Not at all good, but not the worst thing they have released. That title is reserved for the next song.

6. Prohets of War - This is by far, on several levels, the worst song they have ever written. It is the only one I designate as hateful. I hate it like I hate emo. Mike's comment says that this is the second worst song lyrically trumped only by Never Enough (from the last album). I guess I agree, but at least Never Enough was performed well. Prohets of War not only has crappy lyrics, but it is sung poorly, the music is boring, and the subject only serves to confuse the audience. One thing that I have always liked about Dream Theater is their conservative view they sometimes relate in their songs. This song is clearly an anti-war tune based on shoddy research. Of course, the singer (who is Canadian) wrote the lyrics, but it was somehow greenlighted by both Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci, the clear owners of the band. Those two members write conservative songs like The Great Debate (anti stem cell research tune) and Sacrificed Sons (about the tribal mindset of the Middle East) while the singer writes a "Screw Bush" song. I'm sorry James, but I don't find this song especially special.

7. The Ministry of Lost Souls - As a whole, this is my favorite song on the album. The album's best lyrics are found here, and the music is overall beautiful. The band couldn't figure an end to this song either, so they faded it out too. So sad. But the rest of the song is so good that it merits my unconditional forgiveness.

8. In the Presence of Enemies Part 2 - This is the last song on the album, and pretty much picks up where part 1 left off. It starts off quite lame, but musically, it gets really good...probably 5 minutes into it. The lyrics are rough throughout. I just focus on the music.

Overall, I am not as disapointed as I was the first time I heard it because I now focus on the good things the album offers. Still, it is my least favorite album. That's ok though. I still love them.

I got some information as to why I could not find that special edition Rush album. It isn't out yet. They had to delay it (again) to the 26th. As consolation, Rush is giving away a free screensaver. If you are interested in it, just click the above link. Also, the website plays their new song Far Cry. Check it out. In my opinion, it is one of the best songs they have released since 1989.


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