Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I am in all sorts of pain. Could the reason be that I haven't done any real lifting since my March departure from the shooting range only to be thrust back into the heavy lifting of the lead pull, or could it be the sheer volume of one of the periodic table's densest metals bearing down on my arms, legs and back in seemlessly endless repetition? I say it is a little from column "A" and a lot from column "B".

On the inside of my left forearm (my support arm when I pull lead), there are about 12 welts that bear the mark of sixteen successive 120 pound buckets. The good news is I have 12 to go tomorrow. Yippee. This will never be a problem again after tomorrow because I will keep up with it.

I did discover that the threat I mentioned in the last post of the traps becoming indefinitely stopped up has been abated. Well, about 90% abated. There is buildup I cannot reach with any kind of scraping tool. But let me tell you, the 5 to 10 pound chunks of lead I did manage to get out were impressive.

I look forward to relaxing the rest of the evening. Blockbuster sent me a documentary on ancient Egypt, and I must get to that.


Blogger Mike said...


10:49 PM  

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