Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Leave with honor, return with pride

Some of you may know this already, and some of you definitely do not - I have decided the Pharmacy field is not for me. My reasons are many, but let's just say that in the last 4 months of my time as a pharmacy technician, I can recall about 4 good days. I really don't like my job.

To that end, I sent my resume out to several different employers only to come up with dead ends. Almost all of them had no interest in allowing me to complete my degree (Which has now reverted back to marketing). Then something rather interesting happened. I remembered this morning that my old boss from the shooting range, Bridger, had called me at least a month ago telling me they had a pay stub I needed to pick up. Since I was out that way, I stopped by to pick it up. Fifteen minutes later, I walked out with my old job as maintenance technician. Not only that, I was offered $2 per hour more than what I was making, and $3.50 per hour more than I make now.

The guy who replaced me got a job offer with pensions and all kindds of benefits, so it is understandable why he left. He also left with the range operating at its fullness. I am not afraid to admit he was better than I am at that job. He had a knack for it. I know I will be held to that standard. To that end, I also can say he didn't walk into the charlie foxtrot I did. Now when I go back, I will be able to start with the range performing the way it should be. A luxury I didn't have the first time around. Preventative maintenance is always easier than fixing what is broken. Oh, and the free shooting was sorely missed. I am thinking I will buy my firearm very soon...

Ironically, though I had been actively seeking new employment, I found it in the place I wasn't actually looking.

Next post: I am sure some may want to know why I am leaving the pharmacy field and pursuing my MBA...that question shall be answered...


Blogger Mike said...

I still think you should go for your MFA in music performance. But it's your call, and that was a ballsy call to make. Good to hear you are back at the range and playing to your strengths again!

10:09 PM  

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