Sunday, June 08, 2008

Hooray sports!

The past few days have been packed full o' excitement. Thursday morning, the wife took my middle child to the ENT surgery center to have his tonsils removed. They have been getting progressively bigger since about October of last year. Apparently, we waited until just about the last minute to get them removed. Not that I know how big a specimin cup is, but his tonsils more than filled one. Additionally, they were filled with puss and could have gotten infected which would have served up its own set of problems. I know, gross. He is doing well now. His throat is sore, but he is enjoying the all pudding, jell-o, and ice cream diet.

Friday evening, Kristin and I went to a pizza/volleyball party with some guys from church. It was good fun. I haven't played volleyball in years, but I am pleased to say I still suck. My playing style is quite pathetic. I am the guy who knows he isn't any good that plays like he thinks he is. I scored plenty of points for the other team and only a couple for my own. Ah well. It was a rip roaring workout, so that has to account for something. I look forward to the Turkey Bowl in November. At least that is a sport I can play well (football).

Saturday started with a mean case of the squirts. I still went to martial arts, though I regretted it a little. I must have made use of the facilities on four occasions. By the time the evening rolled around, I was cleaned out enough to join Mike for the NCAA baseball playoff game at ASU. The Sun Devils wiped the floor with the Fresno State Bulldogs with an ending score of 10-4. The Bulldogs played an embarassing game overall. A lot of that credit goes to ASU's pitcher who pitched a ver impressive game. A lot of the credit also goes to FSU's pitcher who walked more batters than at any game I had been to. He also threw a lot of balls that were easy hits for the batters. Oh, and FSU's first baseman was responsible for two errors that allowed for base advancement by ASU. I have to admit...I have been to plenty of baseball games in my day. This one was the best I have ever seen. Maybe because it was in a smaller stadium than Chase Field or Camden Yards, or maybe it was because the fans were fanatic for their team. Whatever the case, I am thinking about taking in more ASU games. Maybe I will even go to my school's (Grand Canyon University) games. I understand those games are great fun as well. The scenery at the game was more than any man could ask for as well. Mike (Seppy) - you would have gotten your entire visit's worth of hottie sightings in the first five minutes of this game. The rest of the evening was spent at Mike's house hanging out with Steph watching a DVD about the fans of Firefly. It was hokey but entertaining.

Tonight we are doing a family thing for my baby and niece's first birthdays (they are only 8 days separated). It should be fun. Kristin baked a cake and I think a lot of you who come here to read my ramblings know from experience that this party is in for a taste treat we won't soon forget. Speaking of which, Kristin's cake business continues to get orders sporadically. She has two weddings coming up. If any of you local homies know of anyone who needs a cake or cookies or something along those lines for any type of event, let me know and I will hook them up with Kristin's information.